Baby sleeping in a wrapIf you’re like me, you watched in awe as hospital midwives expertly wrapped your baby in a little blanket then tucked them up for what looked like the most comfortable sleep ever.

Then, if you’re like me, you brought your baby home and gave it a try yourself. But it’s not so easy at 1.30am when you’ve only had one hour of unbroken sleep in three days!

So the next step is obviously to go buy a wrap/swaddle that has a zip or velcro to make the whole thing far less painful!

So, here are the Top 7 Wraps/Swaddling Cloths as voted by you in the Bub Hub product reviews section.

Baby Sleeping Swaddle Jacket (Sleepy Wings)


“I think these are a great idea and perfect for summer babies who still have the startle reflex but it’s too hot to wrap. The dummy retrieval system is such a good idea, cannot wait until baby is old enough to use. Keeps baby settled, has helped with the routine as these are only used for sleep. Brilliant!” – mummy2Luca

Love Me Baby Wrap (Love to Dream)


“The Love Me Baby Wraps are just wonderful. Bub feels safe and secure in them as they are quite snug, he can have his hands up by his head/face (but because they are wrapped they don’t seem to startle him), and mum and dad now get more sleep!!!” – summastarlet

The Woombie (Woombie Australia)


“All of my kids have LOVED it – used them as soon as we were home from hospital, and credit the Woombie with our smooth transition for DD from bassinette to cot (the Woombie remained her constant).” – CazzDream

Swaddle Me (Kiddopotamus)


“I found the Swaddle Me awesome with giving bubs a really tight and secure wrap. Baby is pretty much unable to wriggle out of it, and hardly tries due to being so relaxed.” – Pippy the Hippo

ergoCocoon (ergoPouch)


“Once we went onto the ergoCocoon he was much more content and settled with being able to put his arms up and with the freedom it allowed. The snap buttons in the arms meant I was able to transition him to not being swaddled very easily and the zip at the bottom allowed for easy nappy changes before bed.” –Me&MrMagoo

Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap (Lifestyle Parenting)


“I liked the concept of Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap very much and I feel it’s a must  for baby’s safety and parent’s peace of mind that baby is well – especially when baby is sleeping in his own room. Moreover we can use it from the infant stage to the toddler years (up to 3 years of age) which makes its price very much justified as we can use one Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap for 3 years.”  -sunlight78

Miracle Blanket (Miracle Blanket)


“Great wrap, my 4-week-old has been settling and sleeping a bit better since I started using it. I like that it has no velcro and I can make it quite firm.” – Hollywood


If you haven’t added your review you can visit our Parents’ Review Section now to have your say!

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