If you’re struggling with toilet training then these free reward charts might be just what you need.
Some children are quite easy to toilet train. If your toddler is already showing some of the signs they’re ready for toilet training, then chances are you’ll have them using the toilet sooner rather than later. But many others will benefit from some extra incentive – for example, some children are fine with pees but struggle with poos. Plus it can make the entire process a bit more exciting (for you as well!).
So with that in mind we’ve created these free printable reward charts for you to download and print. The best thing about these charts is that there’s no need to worry about stickers (that will end up stuck everywhere) or stamps (that will end up being stamped on your couch or wall!).
Our easy free printable reward charts for toilet training
‘Put a smile on it’ reward chart
This one is my favourite reward chart – it is just really cute! Each time your child is successful they can draw a smile on the happy face! You get to decide on the reward once they reach the end.
‘Princess Journey’ reward chart
If you’ve got a little princess at your house she might like this toilet training reward chart, which follows a princess on her journey back to the castle.
This one can be a general reward chart too – as it isn’t specifically for toilet training.
Princess Journey colouring-in reward chart 
If your little princess loves colouring-in as much as you love saving the ink in your printer, then this is the free printable toilet training chart for you!
Pirate treasure map reward chart
Your little pirate will love making their way to the treasure in this pirate-themed reward chart.
It is pretty generic too, so it can be used for non-toilet training purposes too.
Pirate treasure colouring-in reward chart
If you’d prefer to save your printer ink – and it is worth more than a pirate’s treasure – then this colouring-in treasure map reward chart is probably the one for you.
And we’ve got plenty more articles to help you with toilet training – before you start make sure you’ve read 8 ways to prepare for toilet training. And when you’re ready to begin, this is how to tell if your toddler is ready for toilet training. There’s also some great tips on what you need to buy for toilet training and 7 tips for toilet training success.
For more info, great free printable charts, and access to the forum to chat about your experiences, check out our Toilet Training Hub.