top 7 electric breast pumpsI had an electric breast pump … for one day.

In a sleep-deprived haze I failed to read the first instruction – DO NOT IMMERSE IN WATER – and I did just that after the first use. So it was “goodbye hundreds of dollars” and “hello manual breast pump” (thankfully it could be used as both!).

So I am clearly no expert on electric breast pumps. Although I am better informed than my younger brother, who (about 20 years ago) began giggling uncontrollably while reading the local newspaper classifieds. The source of his giggle? For sale ads for breast pumps, which in his adolescent mind were like bike pumps but for boobs!

What was I talking about …?

Oh right. Breast pumps … electric ones … it is coming back to me now.

Here are the Top 7 Electric Breast Pumps as voted by you in the Bub Hub product reviews section.


1. Medela Mini Electric

Medela Mini electric







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