topfamilyfriendlycitiesausHow good are the schools in your city? What about crime rates, or unemployment levels? Does your city have the best access to health care services?

Suncorp Bank conducted a survey of the nation’s biggest 30 cities to find out which city is the most family-friendly place to live in Australia. They used certain criteria to judge, including unemployment levels, crime rates, broadband in the home, access to health services, schools, childcare, volunteer work, house prices and disposable income. You might be surprised to see where was considered the best!

If you’re thinking the all big capitals would place highly, you’d be only be a little bit wrong. Out of our 8 capital cities, the biggest 3 didn’t even make the top 10. Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane placed 14th, 23rd, and 24th respectively. And the top, family-friendly city isn’t a capital at all!

Perth and Adelaide ranked equal 5th – with Adelaide being the safest place to live, as it has the lowest crime rate. They were closely followed by Hobart (7th) and Darwin (equal 8th).

Queensland was ranked the best state overall, with 6 cities making the top 20 – Toowoomba being the employment capital of the country, coming in at 3rd overall. Although, sunny Queensland doesn’t have THE best city…

Canberra ranked as the highest for volunteer work, but only came in second overall.

The Tasmanian city of Burnie was found the healthiest city, while its neighbour Launceston has the least crowded schools.

And in those spacious classrooms you will find the children who live in the most family-friendly city in Australia – Launceston, TAS!

Despite a relatively low average income and broadband take-up, Launceston came out on top due to its low crime rate, less crowded schools, and lower average cost of housing.


To see the full PDF report, click here (list of cities on page 4).

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