“It felt like forever but … he was out in seven minutes according
to the birth documents”
When we arrived at the hospital, the birth suites were vacant, but were being cleaned, and we were put in another delivery suite, until one was prepared for us. By then, I could not walk, every step, I was having a contraction.
My step sister came to the hospital with my bags and stayed with us. She rubbed my back and my belly, Jay wiped my head with wash cloths, and made sure I drank water in between contractions. Jason was amazing, so focused. And my step sister was a godsend.
About 20mins later we were shifted to the birth suite, where the midwife filled up the spa bath. She told me to come sit on the loo, the moment, I sat, I pushed. Midwife realised it was time to get in the spa.
My waters still hadn’t broken. I slowly got in the spa, was very hesitant to squat, did not want to move. As I finally got in the spa, my body suddenly pushed hard, it was like I had no control, it just pushed, a white bubble appeared in the water, my waters had broken, and the moment the waters broke, I felt that unmistakable feeling I had with my first child.
I was crowning already. I screamed “I need to push” and the midwife said, “Go for it!” SO push I did, hard, and non stop, I was a fricken machine! I remember halfway screaming out “GET OUT OF MY BODY!!!” I had my eyes closed the whole time, and just kept going.
It felt like forever, but like that, he was out, in 7 minutes, according to the birth documents. I was EXHAUSTED. Baby had come out behind me, so I had to flip my body to hold him. HARDEST THING EVER, my step sis and Jay had to help me lift my leg to get over the cord to flip round.
I was finally holding him, he did not cry, he was a ‘chirper’ made little noises, but did not cry. And his eyes were wide open, staring. I sat back in the spa, my body gave way, and I fell back.
After 5-10mins of just sitting there, the midwife had prepared a bed for me, it was hard getting out of the spa, I had no strength in my arms, so gripping the hand rails to pull myself up and out, felt pointless, but I managed, the midwife and my step sister wiped me down with towels, and I was shaking uncontrollably. I had the shot to help pass the placenta. I passed the placenta about 15mins later, then the midwife was pushing on my belly to pass clots. This sucked, she was a little concerned as I was bleeding still for a little while, but luckily it slowed down after that.
I came out of the experience with a first degree tear. Davin Owyn Noel was 9lb5oz and 51cm long, born at 7:22pm, March 10.
Thanks to mum Merindah for sharing her story.
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