How to support a friend with fertility issuesWhen your friend is having fertility issues all you want to do is support her.

But it isn’t easy to know what to say about such a personal and emotional subject. The very last thing you want to do is upset or insult her.

Everyone is different. Everyone handles things differently. It is hard to know what people want you to say, because really all they want to hear are the words “you’re pregnant”.

We’ve already shared a list of 5 things you SHOULDN’T say to someone with fertility issues so now here’s our list of things you SHOULD say.

9 ways to support your friend with fertility issues

Let her take the lead

Everyone deals with things differently so let your friend set the pace on how much she does or doesn’t want to talk about her fertility issues. Don’t push the issue when it is clear that she doesn’t want to talk about it, but let her know that you’ll be there if ever she does.

Be honest

If you really don’t know what to say to a person with fertility issues then be honest and say to them — “I’m sorry to hear that, I don’t know what to say” …

Listen–really listen–to her

This is the most important thing in their life right now so if they open up to you give them your full attention. Ask “how are you?” and really mean it.

Validate her feelings

You can’t really say “I understand” if you’ve never experienced infertility so it is best to just acknowledge what they are feeling and agree. Sometimes a simple “that sucks” is enough.

Help steer conversations away from ‘baby’ talk

Your friend might have confided in you but others may not know her situation. If you ever find yourself in a group of women endlessly complaining about their kids or their pregnancy it is up to you to gently change the subject. Same goes for those times when people seem to constantly be asking her: “when are you going to have a baby?” etc.

Support her decisions

Your friend has a lot of decisions to make so it is important to support her in those decisions. Ask her what they involve. Ask her if there’s a way you could make things easier for her.

Distract her

Your friend will find it hard to think about anything else — particularly in the two-week wait (where she may be pregnant but is too early to test). Take her out for lunch or suggest a movie (not about babies or pregnancy though!).

Don’t be scared to share your news, but be sensitive

Your friend will be happy for you if you happen to fall pregnant — but she will also be sad, for herself. Don’t ignore her or fail to tell her, but understand that your news will remind her of her own situation. Don’t tell her in public. Tell her in way appropriate to the level of friendship (ie. call her if she’s a best friend) but be brief and let her process the news in the comfort and privacy of her own home.


Keep your fingers crossed for her.

Tell her you’re thinking of her.

Be gentle.

Be there for her.

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