Did you know that Australia only has ONE specialist, national perinatal depression helpline?
And did you know that due to funding shortfalls this helpline – run by PANDA (the Post and Antenatal Depression Association) – can only help 7 per cent of the mums who need it? You might also be interested to know that it only takes about ONE MINUTE and THREE CLICKS on your computer to help PANDA call for urgent increased funding to support the growing number of women diagnosed with postnatal depression.
So what are you waiting for … here’s how you can help!
PANDA’s Millions Mums in May seeks to raise awareness of the crisis in funding for postnatal depression support services and asks governments for essential funding for the PANDA Helpline.
One million mums from around Australia are being asked to help PANDA’s campaign and support other mums by contacting their local MP at millionmums.org.au.
Here’s how you do it:
CLICK ONE: Head to www.millionmums.org.au
CLICK TWO: Open the link at the top of the page: “Email your local MP”. Don’t worry if you don’t know your local member, all you have to do is enter your postcode and the website will find them for you.
CLICK THREE: Once you’ve added your email address and postcode (to find your local member), have a read of the pre-written letter and press SEND!
It really is that easy. Just three clicks and your local MPs will be made more aware of how vital support services for postnatal depression can be to a young family.
PANDA CEO, Belinda Horton, said without immediate, additional funding, PANDA would not be able to keep pace with increasing demand and the around the clock needs of women with postnatal depression and their families.
“Without the additional funds, 93 out of 100 struggling mums will miss out on urgently needed support from PANDA, with devastating effects for them and their families,” she said.
“Nearly 16% of mums will suffer from postnatal depression in 2013. These figures mean approximately 48,000 Australian mums are not enjoying life with their babies. We fear that as the birthrate increases more mums will miss out on the support they need from PANDA and not know where to go for help because of the lack of funding.
“While we are thankful for the Federal Government’s support to date, there is no doubt we now need to be available 24 hours, 7 days a week to make sure no family loses a loved one to this terrible illness.”
Community support is critical to the Million Mums in May campaign.
Without it, more and more new mothers suffering from postnatal depression may not get the help they desperately need.
“We are calling on mothers to contact their MPs to tell them how vital support services for postnatal depression can be to a young family,” said Belinda.