Parenting, it’s not easy. It is certainly no walk in the park!
Even when it literally IS a walk in the park, it’s not easy. You have to work up the energy to get out of your pyjamas, pack the nappy bag and the pram into the car, time it between sleeps and feeds, make sure everyone has shoes and hats, deal with a tantrum because your toddler wants to bring a bike (that you know you’ll end up carrying). Then the baby doesn’t want to be in the pram. Then they’re all thirsty. Then someone needs to go to the toilet. Then just before you get back in the car you realise the baby’s nappy is dirty and you have to change her on the front seat.
Seriously. A walk in the park. Whoever came up with that saying obviously didn’t have kids!
So why is it that, even though we all know parenting is tough, we hate asking for help?
Are we too proud? Embarrassed? Afraid we will be judged?
Perhaps all three. But, to quote a more apt saying, a problem shared is a problem halved.
Asking for help, venting your frustrations or chatting to a friend about your struggles can ease your stress. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of realising you are not alone!
But it isn’t always easy to connect and that’s probably why the Bub Hub forum is such a popular part of our site. It began more than 12 years ago and in that time has helped a huge number of Australian parents, parents-to-be and those trying to conceive who came looking for support, advice or friendship. Over the years the forum has evolved and is can now be accessed on PC, smart phone and tablet. We even have a Bub Hub Forum App – available for Apple and Android.
7 reasons to join the Bub Hub forum
It is free and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you’re up in the middle of the night wondering if it is normal that your new baby doesn’t like sleeping at night – then connect with other parents doing exactly the same thing! They can reassure you that it is normal, help you when it isn’t, and offer you support, friendship and advice.
It is anonymous.
It’s not easy to broach the subject of postpartum bleeding over coffee with your friends or talk about your stitches while your father-in-law is within earshot. Sometimes there are questions we’d just prefer to ask anonymously.
There is always someone online
You’ll connect with thousands of people who know exactly what you’re going through. The Bub Hub forum has 142,000 members – they come and they go but there is always someone online who knows exactly how you’re feeling.
It is safe and well moderated.
We have an excellent team of volunteer moderators whose job it is to make sure the forum is a safe and supportive place for everyone.
It is simple to use
The forum is so simple to use that you’ll be able to navigate your way through even if you’re sleep deprived or experiencing some post-natal drift.
You set the pace
You can join specific groups (e.g. talk to others doing IVF, women who are due in the same month as you or parents with children the same age as you) or you can just browse and join in on conversations that interest you. It is easy to see all the conversations you’re a part of.
You can ask anything!
There are things you might not be comfortable talking about with friends or on social media. Maybe you’re trying to conceive or maybe you’ve just found out that you’re pregnant but you’re not ready to tell everyone yet. The forum is the best place to ask your questions and set your mind at ease. Plus once your baby is born you can ask any thing under the sun – you might worry that it sounds like a silly question but be assured that it has been asked and answered before. Remember you’re not alone!
Comments from current forum members
Our forum members come looking for questions and support and often find that and more. Here are just some of the things they say about the Bub Hub forum …
“I feel like I can be more honest on an anonymous forum”
“I swear it has saved my marriage in lots of ways, as it saves my husband from having to deal with some of my anxiety – and some of my venting. It’s amazing the support and when you are busy with life catching up with people in real life is so hard. I would be lost without [it].”
“It has helped me as a source of support when this parenting gig has had me lonely and in need of a cyber ear or two. It has also helped me to realise that essentially we’re all facing similar trials and tribulations, triumphs and achievements and it is nice to know you have some kindred spirits to share this with.”
“TTC and infertility was something I couldn’t talk about with people, I would just cry … and then they would ask the wrong question at the wrong time and it just made it worse. So I didn’t talk about it. Then I joined the Hub and suddenly there were a whole bunch of people who were dealing with the same issues – and it didn’t matter if I cried the whole time – and if I wasn’t up to answering questions … I just didn’t. It helped me soooo much.”
The Bub Hub forum is available on PC, smart phone and tablet. The app is available on Apple and Android devices – find it on iTunes or in the Play Store. You can find more info on specifications and how-to guides for using the app on our mobile app page.