Your little one is looking more and more like a toddler these days … and starting to act like it too.
How is baby going?
If you thought your life would be tantrum-free until the ‘terrible twos’ then you might have been surprised the first time your baby cried in protest when you took away a favourite toy.
Already at this age, babies are becoming more independent and are starting to assert themselves. They are also becoming more mobile and they won’t like being confined in high chairs, on the change table, in car seats or prams. They will let you know … loudly, of course.
Luckily crying (or screaming in some cases) isn’t the only way your baby will communicate with you these days. Your baby will probably be starting to point to the things they wants, wave to you when you leave and maybe even nod for ‘yes’ and shake their head for ‘no’.
It is recommended that a 10-month-old baby still has about 12-15 hours of sleep each day.
At this age most babies are still having two daytime naps and it is normal for them to be still waking at night. But if your baby is waking far too frequently or if you’re having trouble settling them for naps and bedtime then it doesn’t hurt to ask for some tips or advice. You can try asking a question in our Sleeping and Settling forum section or consult a baby sleep expert.
If your baby has been chowing down on a lot of solid food lately you might notice changes in their poo. Yep, sorry, gross, we know. A major change is that it is super stinky compared to a newborn’s poo!
Babies are also more prone to constipation once their diet expands. Constipation is when poo is hard and difficult to pass. It isn’t really about how often they go (as this might change once they eat more solid food too). To help prevent constipation make sure your baby drinks water when eating solids and include some high fibre foods in their diet. Pear is brilliant for babies who are prone to constipation as it is soft and easy to eat (or can be stewed and pureed). Avoid feeding too many bananas as they can make constipation worse. It is a good idea to stay on top of this, as babies who become constipated may become fearful of having to poo. This can lead to toilet training problems later on.
There is no need to buy toys to entertain your growing baby. Everything is amazing when you’re a baby – discovering the world for the first time. A baby can become mesmorised by opening and closing doors or banging pots and pans. They will love getting outside in nature and pulling tissues out of the tissue box!
Maybe baby-proof all but one of your kitchen cupboards then stock it with baby-safe items like Tupperware containers and cooking pots. Let this cupboard belong to your baby – it will help your baby’s development plus give them a safe, engaging place to play while you wash up or cut up vegetables for dinner!
There are plenty more great ideas such as this in this blog post – Save Your Cash and Pull Out The Pegs – by parenting author Maggie Dent.
How are you going?
You’ve probably figured out by now that parenthood is full of ‘rules’! From national guidelines through to uninvited comment from random people at the shop, you’ve probably felt quite overwhelmed by all the advice, recommendations, tips and rules. You’ve probably even unwittingly created a few ‘rules’ of your own – often based on your preconceived notions of parenthood. So do you follow the rules or are you just tired of the constant barrage?
The best advice is to chose your sources wisely – follow the law (make sure that your baby is in the correct car seat), take note of guidelines that are science-based recommendations for the health and safety of your child (make sure you’re familiar with the NHMRC’s Infant Feeding Guidelines when introducing solid food), have a trusted health care professional on hand for your medical questions and a good friend or family member to chat to about all other concerns. And also, importantly, learn to understand your baby and be guided by your own instincts.
3 things to do when your baby is 10 months old
- Find more games to play with your baby
- Preserve some of your precious baby items in bronze or glass.
- Personalise it. Buy name labels for your baby’s things.
Please note: All babies are different, these are generic guides and aren’t a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your health care provider.