Baby Development Guide - three months old

What a fun month this will be! Your baby is turning into quite the little character. At this age, babies usually have been smiling for a while now but soon they will add laughing or maybe even squealing with delight to the list of things they can do.

Your baby is enjoying life at the moment. At three months, babies are growing more interested in the world around them but, thankfully for you, they are still relatively immobile! What a great age!

How is baby going?

Your baby is also gaining more control over their body – which means they’ll be more of a handful when it comes to changing nappies and getting dressed. There’s just too much else going on to stay still for too long.


At three months of age, many babies have started to have more defined naps – probably down to just three a day by now. They still won’t be able to start awake for too long between sleeps so start looking for tired signs around the one-and-a-half hour mark.

If you would like some more tips about going from awake to zzz … read this article on the A-Z of sleep written by baby care author and lactaction consultant Pinky McKay.


At this age, babies start to gain more control over their body and begin to realise that it is, in fact, their own body. Your baby will try to reach for objects and might enjoy bearing some weight on their legs while ‘standing’ with support on your lap. Try playing peekaboo with your baby or sit and read them a short fun picture book. If you do buy toys, make sure they are safe for babies because they will most likely go straight into their mouth. Stuffed animals look cute but you check them for loose button eyes, strings, bows or stray wires.


Vaccinations are due when your baby is four months old. Make an appointment with your GP or your local immunisation clinic.

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How are you going?

Now the dust has settled you might want to make time to focus on yourself and on your partner. Almost without exception couples will experience some relationship issues after the birth of a baby – particularly if it is their first.

With so much focus on the baby – sleeping, feeding, clothing, bathing, settling, transporting – couples often get distracted from focusing on each other. It also takes time to get used to new family dynamics and working out the division of labour. Being sleep deprived doesn’t help either!

It is an emotional ride for new mothers and new fathers and it is worth getting some tips on maintaining a happy and healthy relationship after baby.

READ: Check out this new dad’s hilarious account of his first date night after baby

3 things to do when your baby is 3 months old

Please note: All babies are different, these are generic guides and aren’t a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your health care provider.

NEXT: Baby Development Guide: 4 – 5 months
BACK: Baby Development Guide: 2 – 3 months

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