Some babies love having a bath, while others will scream from the moment you lift the shirt over their heads.
If you’ve got a little one who hates bath time it can be a major source of stress and frustration for everyone involved. In most cases it is just a phase they’ll grow out of. But there are some things you can try in the meantime.
From a screaming newborn to a resistant toddler, if you’ve got a bath-hating baby here are some tips from other parents for making bath time fun (and easier for you!).
Tips for making bath time fun for babies and toddlers
1. Make sure it is comfortable
This is important especially for newborns – a bath should be warm but not too warm – test it with your elbow as your hand is too sensitive. Many newborns enjoy the ‘bath’ part of bathing but don’t enjoy the cold and uncomfortable process of drying and dressing. Try to be fast (but thorough) and remember that newborns don’t need daily baths.
2. Hop in with them
A newborn will enjoy the bonding session and the sensation of a deeper bath with mum or dad and a toddler will enjoy the novelty of seeing you squeeze in there with them.
3. Time it well
Maybe your baby is too tired, hungry or full to enjoy the bath. Make sure you pick a time where they’re at their happiest. For a new baby this might be after a feed (but not straight after) but before they get too tired. For an older child it might be right before bedtime. Add a small amount of ecostore’s Sleepytime Bath, which like all ecostore products contain no nasty chemicals, to your baby’s bath water to help them get ready for sleep.
4. Try showering your baby instead
Some parents have abandoned the bath altogether and bring their baby into the shower instead. This might be a good option when your baby is going through a bath-hating phase. Saves on water too!
5. Give them space and time to play
To get a young baby used to baths try ditching the baby bath and filling your own tub with a small amount of water. Have them lie flat on their backs (the water will be around their ears) and have a good kick and play. Keep your hands close – just touching them – and don’t look away (especially if you’ve got a roller!). Be sure to dry their ears carefully afterwards. Try ecostore’s Baby Body Wash for a quick clean – it is beautifully silky and goes on so easily that you can wash baby before they know that you’ve done it – giving them plenty of play time!
6. Be gentle
If your little one doesn’t like being bathed then chances are they’ll hate having their hair washed too. Choose mild shampoos – such as ecostore Baby Shampoo – and talk in a gentle soothing voice. Teach them to look at the ceiling (we say “who’s in the aeroplane?”) or give them a dry washer to put over their eyes.
7. Bubbles
If you’ve got an older child who doesn’t come to the bath when they’re called try uttering these magic words … “there’s BUBBLES!”. A mild bubble bath – like ecostore’s plant-based Bubble Bath – is a great way to get them clean why they are too busy splashing to know!
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