birthstory-sarahOn the 12th of August 2013, I went to my antenatal clinic check-up, only to be told that my pre-eclampsia, which had been closely monitored for 3 weeks, had gotten worse and my liver and kidneys couldn’t take much more. So my baby had to come out within the next couple of days! I was terrified! 

I was booked in to be induced on the 15th of August at 10am (38 weeks, 6 days into my pregnancy). The night before the induction I couldn’t sleep and I was so stressed. We got to the hospital at 9:30am and by 10am I had my first lot of internal gel inserted. At 1pm a doctor did an internal check and I wasn’t dilated at all, so the second lot of gel went in.

At 4pm a doctor did another check and yet again no dilation. So at 6pm another lot of gel went in. I was checked at 10pm and again I wasn’t even 1cm. I was told to rest overnight and hopefully they could break my waters in the morning. At 11pm that same night I suddenly had an unbearable contraction and starting screaming as the contractions came one after the other and didn’t stop. A midwife checked and I had fully dilated in 45 minutes. All I wanted was some pain relief but it was too late, my baby was on the way!

My waters hadn’t broken and they started to bulge out of me so the midwife broke the bag and the relief from that alone was amazing. I started to push not long after that and the pain was horrible! I lost consciousness during labour and woke to about 10 doctors, nurses, and midwives surrounding me, all I remember is saying “what?” because I couldn’t understand why they were there and why my partner and sister were crying, but that’s all I had time to ask because one contraction and one push later my son Logan was born!

There was no ‘head first, turn shoulders then baby’. Nope, he came out all at once because his arm was tied to his head with the cord. Needless to say he tore me a lot and I needed over 20 stitches (and later on it was discovered that my coccyx bone had been broken during the birth)! But my baby boy was here and I couldn’t have been happier! He was healthy and perfect.


Thanks to mum Sarah for sharing her amazing birth story with us.
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