Why is iron so important for babies?

If your baby is ready to start solid food then you probably already know that the current recommendation* is that their diet should include iron-rich first foods. But why is this recommended? Why is iron so important? And why do babies suddenly need more iron when they are about six months old? Why is iron […]

When will my baby start teething?

Teething can vary quite a bit from baby to baby and still be completely normal. Some babies may sprout their first little toothy peg when they’re just four months old while others are still all-gums on their first birthday. Some babies are even born with teeth already through! All is completely normal. In general though, […]

What to pack for labour and hospital – a checklist

Are you unsure about what to pack in your hospital bag? Do you need to pack nappies? What clothes will the baby need? Will you want anything specific for when you’re in labour? Firstly, check with your hospital. Some may provide things like nappies and wipes, but many don’t. They may have a birth ball […]

What to do if your child has a febrile convulsion

Febrile convulsions in young children are traumatic – and more common than you’d think. It is important to understand what is happening, and why you need to be alert, not alarmed. Read through the causes, treatments, symptoms, and course of action you should take if your child were to have a febrile convulsions or seizure. […]

What is the best age gap between children?

When you know you’d like more than one child, one of big questions you ask yourself is ‘what age gap is best?’. Of course, it isn’t always easy to fall pregnant when planned but, if you are able to roughly time when your babies will come, what age gap is best for you, your family […]

What is baby-led weaning?

If you’re thinking about starting your baby on solid food you might assume that spoon-feeding them pureed foods is always the first step. But there is another way and its proponents say it will help ward off fussy eating, help a baby’s development and save you time in the kitchen! So here’s everything you need […]

What are the Wonder Weeks?

Is your baby having a fussy week? Maybe it is a wonder week! Research has shown that babies tend to go through ‘fussy’ phases just before they make big steps forward in their mental development. These fussy periods are predictable in their timing and once babies have come to terms with the new development they […]

When should your baby start eating solid food?

It is always exciting when your baby reaches another milestone. The first smile, the first giggle and the first time they roll over – there’s nothing quite like the feeling of seeing your small child grow and learn. The first time they start eating solid food is also an exciting time but it can also […]

Let’s get wet! Clam shell wonders

Water play is brilliant. My little man has always loved the water. He has loved his daily baths since day one and we still give them to him. He’s yet to take swimming lessons but I know he’s going to love that too. Some people find their children are a bit the opposite. They dislike […]

Vaccination – what the World Health Organization (WHO) wants you to know

The last week of April each year is marked by the World Health Organization (WHO) as World Immunization Week. In 2015, the Week’s purpose was to raise public awareness of how immunisation saves lives and to encourage people to vaccinate themselves and their children against deadly diseases. The theme of World Immunisation Week 2015 was […]