7 tips on expressing breast milk at work
To be honest, when I first started expressing, I didn’t even feel comfortable doing it at home. The first few clumsy times I felt more like an engorged dairy cow than a new mum. And if I had returned to the job I’d been working at while I was pregnant, I’m not sure I would have felt particularly […]
The social stigma of public breastfeeding

The thing about having children is, your whole reality changes as the world keeps spinning under your feet. You still have errands to run, shopping to do, places to be and things to do. If you choose to breastfeed, you have to learn to adapt to doing it when your child demands, however you can […]
The benefits of skin-to-skin contact after birth

That first cuddle with your new baby is a magical time, but did you know it’s also an important time for your health and the health of your newborn? There’s plenty of research to support the benefits of skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth and beyond. It is said to impact positively on parent-baby bonding, breastfeeding […]
Reasons for needing a breast pump and advantages of expressing

The benefits of breastfeeding are well documented. But things do not always go as planned. There are many instances where a mother who intends to breastfeed her baby may not be able to do so directly. However this does not mean that she cannot provide her baby with the benefits of breastmilk. This is where […]
Is yoghurt safe when pregnant, breastfeeding and starting solids?

It can be confusing to work out which foods are safe when pregnant, breastfeeding, or starting your baby on solids. It seems that everywhere you turn, someone is saying “No! You can’t eat that while pregnant!” or “Are you sure your baby won’t be affected through your milk?” or “Can you really give them that […]
Is feeding your baby taking too long?

It can feel reassuring to have specific instructions about when to feed your baby, especially when everything about caring for a baby is new and uncertain to you. However, when you are expected to time how many minutes you feed, watch the hours between feeds or count how many feeds your baby has in a […]
‘I breastfeed my baby with formula’

“Everything went downhill in our breastfeeding journey when my son was about 11 weeks. We both got sick, my supply dropped and that was it … cue 10 weeks of pure stress while I attempted everything I could to try to get my son to consistently gain weight. I was feeding constantly, expressing when I […]
10 steps to swaddle your baby safely

Swaddling is one of the many choices new parents face. Current research and information is based upon swaddling babies for sleep – swaddling is not recommended during wakeful hours when the infant is moving and more active. Naturally, the baby has a say — some will sleep well when securely swaddled, and others won’t. A common […]
How to buy regular clothes that are breastfeeding-friendly

I’m in the final stages of weaning my 14-month-old and am finally able to dress as I please without having to accommodate a hungry baby. Let me tell you what I learned about dressing while breastfeeding. See these lovely dresses to the left of the page? They weren’t so pretty when hitched up trying to […]
Expressing breast milk: the benefits of double pumping

There are some things that are better done quickly. While I was breastfeeding my first child, I was in no hurry. It was a relaxing experience and he and I both took comfort in the act. Plus I desperately needed a good sit down and was mid-way through the Scrubs DVD boxsets. Compare that to […]