Your antenatal care and childbirth options explained

You’ve just found out you’re pregnant! Now what? Public or private? Obstetrician or GP? Birthing centre or home birth? Not to worry – we’ve put together this article as a summary of the main types of antenatal and childbirth care available in Australia. Although not all regions and states will have all options available. There […]
Would you find out the sex of your baby … if you were me?

It is a conversation we now have almost every day. Whenever there’s a quiet moment – and there aren’t many in a house with a one and a three year old – he’ll look at me and say “so … are we going to find out?”. How lucky we are that this is our greatest […]
Which fish is safe to eat in pregnancy?

Food is a bit of a minefield when you are pregnant or breastfeeding — you are trying your very hardest to give your baby-to-be the best start in life by eating a balanced, nutritious diet. But with so much advice around, it can be difficult to know what you can and can’t eat. One major […]
When women are birthing alone in Australia, every doula counts

“Have you heard that Meghan Markle is getting a doula?”, I keep getting asked. Well, she’s not the only one. I’m lucky to regularly hear first-hand of the value of the practical, personal and emotional support provided by doulas throughout pregnancy, birth and early parenting. It’s not just celebrities like Nicole Kidman, Alicia Keys and […]
What to pack for labour and hospital – a checklist

Are you unsure about what to pack in your hospital bag? Do you need to pack nappies? What clothes will the baby need? Will you want anything specific for when you’re in labour? Firstly, check with your hospital. Some may provide things like nappies and wipes, but many don’t. They may have a birth ball […]
19 tips to help you prepare for a c-section
If you are scheduled to have a caesarean section, it can be scary if you don’t know what you’re in for. The best way to curb that fear and stay on top of your nerves is to know what to expect. From preparation, to how to handle yourself after you’re out of surgery — it really […]
What is the best age gap between children?
When you know you’d like more than one child, one of big questions you ask yourself is ‘what age gap is best?’. Of course, it isn’t always easy to fall pregnant when planned but, if you are able to roughly time when your babies will come, what age gap is best for you, your family […]
What is Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction?
Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction (PSD) is a common problem experienced by women in both pregnancy and postpartum, typically resulting in pain or discomfort in the pubic symphysis area. The pubic symphysis is a cartilage ‘padded’ joint found at the front of the pelvis between the two large pelvic bones called the ‘iliea’, and can be felt […]
What is stillbirth? Causes, risk factors and preventative measures
Stillbirth is rarely talked about. Perhaps that’s why many people are shocked to hear of just how frequently it still occurs. Every day in Australia six babies are stillborn. That is one stillborn baby for every 135 live births. The rate is not declining and the causes are still not well understood. It is a […]
What is gestational diabetes?
Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy – in most cases it disappears after the baby is born. You are normally screened for gestational diabetes between weeks 25 and 28 of your pregnancy, and if you are diagnosed with it, don’t be alarmed as there are ways it can be effectively […]