To my gorgeous yummy-mummy gal pals …

Alone but not really at all… I had a burning desire to write to my local friends with young children the other day. This is what poured from my heart and the responses back have been overwhelmingly positive, with most of them saying they, too, feel lonely and isolated but also inspired by each other. […]

The complex relationship of attachment between parents and baby

The word attachment can mean one of two things in the world of babies. One use of the word describes the connection between a baby and a breast, the other use describes the connection between a baby and his parents. Both are incredibly complex in the ways they start and develop, mostly occurring without our […]

‘Someone told me I was a control freak around my baby’

Nothing prepared me for the unrelenting demands of motherhood: the realities of a 24/7 responsibility that left no time for myself, that lonely time after the front door closed behind my husband each morning while I felt like I just had to cope. I had wildly unrealistic expectations of myself as a perfect mother and […]

Hey Mamma, Breathe, You’re doing an amazing job

STOP what you are doing right now new mama (except for anyone about to sip a hot beverage at the right temperature) – early childhood consultant, author and mum Stella Stead wants you to know something. It is a message she believes all parents should be told the day they come home from the hospital […]

How to meet other parents

When you have a new baby, you can feel isolated, left at home all day on your own with a baby.  You are not the only one!  There are many other new parents in your local area, most of them feeling exactly the same as you. Meeting other parents with children of a similar age […]

9 ways to help combat pregnancy anxiety

With all the changes happening to your body and to your life when you fall pregnant, it is natural to feel some anxiety about it all. However, there does come a point when the anxiety becomes more than just a ‘little worried’. Antenatal anxiety is just as common as antenatal depression, which affects 1 in […]

How to find your mojo post separation

OK, so during such a potentially horrid time your mojo maybe the last thing on your mind, but perhaps understanding that your mojo is part of ‘you’ may help put more focus on the topic. ‘You’ need to be OK, before other things fall into place (at least that was my experience). You may be tired […]

Getting real about perinatal anxiety and depression

This week — November 10-16 — is Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Awareness Week. PANDA’s new CEO Julie Borninkhof explains their “let’s get real” campaign for 2019. When I became a mum I didn’t really know what to expect, and in many ways I think I “became” a mum twice. Once when I was told I was […]