The definition of fun

Mothers are generally a risk averse lot, and I, having spent far too much time in hospitals and specialist rooms in the past few months, am a particularly risk-averse mother right now. That’s why I am sitting on my own in a lake-front apartment in Queenstown – New Zealand’s adrenalin capital, with Hilary Mantel’s 16th […]
‘Screenagers!’ How to get your teen to disconnect online and reconnect to life

“No Facebook now, finish your homework … ! ” I realise how stupid this comment is, before I even finish the sentence. “But mum, I am getting some help with geometry from Ethan on Facebook messenger.” The reality is that our teens are constantly hooked up to an electronic universe often via multiple devices. Texting, […]
4 things to do NOW to prepare for the teen years
Most parents approach the teenage years with a little bit of dread. The fear of the unknown can be our worst enemy, and fill our mind with questions that are impossible to answer when our children are under 10. Will she be as rude to me as I was to my mum? Will he try […]
Should you be worried about NAPLAN?

It is NAPLAN time again this year. In the second full week in May, students in Australian public and private schools, in grades 3, 5, 7 and 9, do NAPLAN. They are tested over three days. NAPLAN tests skills essential for your child’s progress through school and life ahead – reading, writing, spelling and numeracy. […]
How to recognise a mental health issue in your child

Children can develop many of the same mental health difficulties as adults, but sometimes they can manifest in different ways, making them harder to recognise. If parents are unsure, there is no harm in having a conversation with their GP or school counsellor about any emotional, social or behavioural difficulties they think their child may […]
How to calm down an angry teenager
Having an angry teenager in your life can be tough for the whole family, including the angry teenager themselves. If you want to know how to calm a situation rather than aggravate it then keep reading. The first thing to understand is that calming somebody down, or de-escalating, isn’t about reasoning with the person who’s […]
Gift ideas for kids of all ages

Does your niece or nephew have a birthday fast approaching? Or are you unsure of what present to buy your child for Christmas or their birthday? Whatever the reason or occasion, choosing interesting gifts for kids can be somewhat of a challenge, though it doesn’t have to be when you consider a few important factors. […]
5 ways to get your kids to help tidy up!

How do we get our kids to take responsibility for their things and get them to put their toys and clothes away, as opposed to stuffing them under the bed so you won’t find them? I’m always amazed that an empty wardrobe with dozens of hangers isn’t as inviting as shoving the clothes in a […]
Dealing with drug use in teens

Dealing with a teenager who is experimenting with marijuana takes skillful parenting and often professional support. There are no easy answers but these five thoughts are designed to help any parent concerned about drug use in their teen …
6 ways to talk about sex with primary-aged kids

Today’s kids are facing a raft of sex education challenges that no other generation has seen before. Here are some tips for parents.