Why every parent needs to return unwanted household medicines to the pharmacy
As a mum, the safety and care of my two boys is the most important thing in my life. If there is a way to prevent accidents from happening in the home, I’m all ears. That’s why I was interested to hear about Return Unwanted Medicines (or the RUM Project). The RUM Project is an […]
Who is the ‘Sugar Bandit’ in your family?
Do you have a Sugar Bandit in your family? Is there someone who, despite all your efforts to give your kids a healthy diet, slips them junk food when you’re not looking? Or sometimes even when you are? Do your kids have a well-meaning nanna who loves to spoil them with ice-creams, a great-grandfather who […]
What NOT to do if your child accidentally loses a tooth
It is important that parents are aware of what to do if a child loses or chips a tooth in an accident as there are a few common mistakes people make in those crucial moments after a tooth is lost due to injury. With the arrival of warmer weather, kids are heading outside to parks, […]
What to do if your child has a febrile convulsion
Febrile convulsions in young children are traumatic – and more common than you’d think. It is important to understand what is happening, and why you need to be alert, not alarmed. Read through the causes, treatments, symptoms, and course of action you should take if your child were to have a febrile convulsions or seizure. […]
What is juvenile arthritis? Symptoms, causes and treatment
We often associate arthritis with older people. But for every 1000 children in Australia there are 1-4 who have Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). JIA is painful and quite traumatic for a young child. Children with JIA cannot run around with their friends, play in the park or be involved in school sports. It is a […]
Warning: Water beads are dangerous and are not toys

Small polymer balls that absorb water and expand to be the size of a golf ball pose a serious safety hazard to children and should not be used as toys. Several Australian children have ingested water-absorbing balls (also known as water beads) and have required hospital treatment to have them removed. The products are small […]
Vaccination – what the World Health Organization (WHO) wants you to know

The last week of April each year is marked by the World Health Organization (WHO) as World Immunization Week. In 2015, the Week’s purpose was to raise public awareness of how immunisation saves lives and to encourage people to vaccinate themselves and their children against deadly diseases. The theme of World Immunisation Week 2015 was […]
Toddler nightmares vs night terrors
There’s nothing worse than seeing your little one scared. When they run in to your room in the middle of the night terrified of a nightmare, your heart just breaks for them. Sometimes though, your little one can experience night terrors, which are a different thing altogether. So how can we help them through these […]
7 important reasons a child needs outside play
I think we all instinctively want contact with nature — a room with a view, a picnic under a tree or to feel our bare feet in the sand. Yet today’s lifestyle sees us living removed from nature, shut inside our cars, our homes or in big shopping centres. In these indoor spaces our senses […]
Tips to help your children eat breakfast every day
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, to use the age-old adage, and most parents know this. However, trying to get your children to eat breakfast when school goes back can be somewhat difficult, to say the least. If they’re not complaining that it’s too early to eat, or they aren’t hungry then […]