Pregnant woman with an itchIntrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) is a liver disorder. It affects the normal flow of bile, which results in itching that can vary in severity and type. ICP is rare — in the US it affects between 1-2 in 1,000 pregnancies.

This is Amanda’s story …

“I was 36 weeks pregnant with my second child. I didn’t feel very well, always exhausted and itchy, but I thought nothing of it, after all I already had an 18-month-old boy with boundless energy.

I told myself baby number two was always different because you can’t put your feet up whenever you want. Then I went for my obstetrician appointment.

This appointment was different because my husband was able to come with me.  We sat down and my doctor asked (as he always did): “How are you feeling?”. I gave my usual response: “Good, except for the usual pregnancy ailments”.  My husband however told the obstetrician that I wasn’t sleeping, was always exhausted, and was itchy all over.

Here started my Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) journey.

I was immediately admitted to the hospital as an outpatient, and blood tests were ordered. I spent eight hours at the hospital that day, as my and my baby’s health were thoroughly checked.

The next week was one of the hardest I have ever been through. I didn’t understand what was happening, I had no idea what ICP was or how it would affect the little girl I was carrying, and on top of this I had to hold it together for my son.

I googled ICP and what I found sent shivers down my spine. ICP can result in premature delivery, fetal distress and stillbirth. I didn’t want my baby to die, so I focused on her movement. I spent almost every day in hospital, only going home at night. Then on June 22 the doctors told me that I needed to be induced.

READ: What is stillbirth — causes, risk factors and preventative measures

At 37 weeks and 2 days my beautiful little girl Gemma was born. The itching stopped, and I finally got some sleep.

I felt so lucky. Before my diagnosis I had never heard of ICP, and if my husband hadn’t been at my obstetrician appointment I would have continued to put my symptoms down to general pregnancy issues.

Three years later I had another ICP baby (ICP carries a 90 per cent chance of reoccurring). This time I was prepared, and it was therefore a very different experience. I found a website called “Itchy Moms” that told me everything I needed to know about the condition. I was well informed and knew the symptoms I was looking for. My doctor and I had a plan in place, and in my mind my baby was always being delivered at 37 weeks.

My second daughter is now a beautiful, happy little girl.

I have been lucky, but there are mums out there who haven’t been. They have lost their babies because of ICP. I urge you that if you have a partner, friend or even an acquaintance that is experiencing an itch during pregnancy, let them know to tell their doctor.

Don’t ignore an itch during pregnancy, it can kill.”


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This information is not intended to be  a substitute for professional medical advice. Please seek the advice of your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

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