Inside Out Movie

Over the long weekend, three of the Bubhub team, together with an assorted cast of children ranging from five to twelve years old, were lucky enough to attend a Preview showing of the new DisneyPixar movie, Inside Out.

You have got to go and see this movie – it is an absolute treat! (and I’m not just saying that, this is not a sponsored post!)

All the kids sat enthralled throughout the whole movie.  No requests for trips to the toilet or more popcorn – a sure sign of a great movie.

There was laughter throughout the cinema from the adults and the kids alike – although not necessarily at the same parts of the movie!   It appealed to the dads and the mums and all our accompanying kids enjoyed it on their level too.

The story is about an 11-year-old girl, Riley, and the thoughts and emotions inside her head.  Five main emotions – Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust – operate a ‘control panel’ to determine whether Riley is happy, sad, mad, scared or disgusted (hello broccoli!)

It’s touching, thought-provoking, insightful and funny and with plenty of twists and turns to keep you intrigued, without being too complicated for the kids.  There are no major scary bits – our five year olds coped well, even though there are sad moments.

A movie-critic friend of mine, who was also there, said it was the best movie she’d seen in ages and we both agreed that it’s even better than Frozen – high praise indeed!    (There’s no singing in this one, so go along and rest assured that you won’t have any Let it Go type productions in your house after viewing this one)

Inside Out is due for release on 18 June 2015 at cinemas nationally.  It will be the talk of the town, so make sure you don’t miss out.

If you want a sneak-peek, here’s the trailer.



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