feat_sponsoredMy son doesn’t get very excited about clothes. He is more likely to be scared of them (he still refuses to wear his shorts with sharks on them!) and my 18-month-old daughter thinks a firefighter’s hat and gumboots are the height of fashion.

So when we were offered the chance to test out Disney’s new Minnie Mouse Fashion Collection available at Target we thought it would be best to share the love.

We enlisted the help of Sofia and Eliza – two gorgeous girls who are part of the Bub Hub extended family. Their mums give us their verdict on the Minnie Mouse fashion range.

Minnie Mouse Dress With Tights

“My daughter jumped up and down with sheer delight when I showed her the new Minnie Mouse dress and red tights set. For a three-year-old girl, you can’t go past Disney’s Minnie Mouse as a favourite character and Sofia absolutely loved the sparkly sequins.”



“They come as a set and are very affordable. The fabric is super soft to wear and washes and dries well. Sofia gave a definite ‘pass’ on the ‘twirl’ test and performed various dancing and jumping routines.”



“This outfit will take her from Playgroup to play-dates, parties with friends and family and to shopping outings. What a gorgeous top-to-toe, all round outfit, heading in to winter!”



Minnie Mouse Heart Pocket Hooded Zip-Up + Minnie Mouse Leggings – Navy Blue

“Eliza loves Disney’s Minnie Mouse and could not wait to try on the outfit. She had been shopping earlier in the year as her birthday is in January and when I asked her “would you like the skirt outfit or the pants?”, she said “I’ll have both!”

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“The leggings and jumper will fit in nicely to her already brimming Minnie Mouse wardrobe. They are also very stylish and comfortable.”

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Minnie Longsleeve Tee + Minnie Leggings

“What a fun ’every day is a play day’ Minnie Mouse outfit! You can’t go wrong with these gorgeous red, white and blue, spots and stripes Minnie co-ordinates. Perfect for climbing on the cubby house and play equipment.”

Minnie Mouse Clothing Range

“Sofia gave it a great workout on the slides, swings and monkey bars and loved to sing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song, dancing around the backyard. The sparkly sequins are a definite feature and this outfit has attracted lots of compliments on how adorable she looks in it!”

Minnie Mouse clothing range

“I love this outfit as she will be able to wear it anywhere from day care to the park, café outings to shopping trips and visiting friends.”


This post was sponsored by Disney. Disney’s thoroughly modern Minnie Bow-Dazzling Fashion Range for girls 1-7 includes tops, jackets, pants, and a gorgeous dress! Now available online and in store in Target.

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