A well-stocked nappy bag means you’ll be ready for anything when you’re out and about with a baby!
When Murphy came up with his all-too-true law he might have had babies in mind because the first time you rush out the door without a spare nappy will be the day baby decides to show you what a number three really is! Remember what can go wrong, will go wrong. So best be prepared for when it does.
Here’s a checklist of handy items to pack in your nappy bag.
Oh, and remember to re-stock your nappy bag when you get back at home so that it’s ready to go the next time you go out.
Nappy bag packing checklist
For changing
- nappies (at least 3)
- nappy rash cream
- portable change mat
- tissues
- wipes
- hand sanitiser
- plastic nappy disposal bag or wet bag for cloth nappies
- a full change of clothes for baby
- a change of top for you (just in case)
- a swim nappy or warm clothes (jumper, socks) depending on the weather
For feeding
younger babies
- insulated bottle holder if bottlefeeding
- bottles and formula if bottlefeeding
- bib(s)
- burp cloth / muslin wrap
older babies
- a drink
- snacks (+ spoon and bowl if needed)
- wipes for little hands/faces
- a favourite toy or teether
- a blanket
- a dummy, if you use one
- hat
- clothes to cover baby or a light muslin for the pram
- infant sunscreen
- insect repellent
- bag for rubbish or soiled clothes
Your stuff
- wallet
- keys
- phone
- sunglasses / hat
- sunscreen lotion
- water bottle
- nursing pads (for breastfeeding mums)
Tips from Bub Hub forum members …
“In the bottom of his pram I keep a blanket and muslin wrap. In the car I keep a small cosmetic bag with a few nappies, wipes, nappy sacks and a disposable change mat in case of emergencies.” – MonkeysMama
“As she got older I also put a sippy cup of water in the side part for her and a container with grapes or steamed apple or something for her to munch on” – swimmingupstream
“I have about four nappies for each of my two, wipes, a dummy, two sippy cups with water, water bottle with spare water, snacks, sunscreen. – MagicalLeopluradon
“When DD was a newbie I always carried a spare shirt and bra for me in case my boobs leaked through the breastpad, or I got puked/pee’ed on.” – Merla
“When my son was a baby and I was breastfeeding I also used to have a spare top for me in the nappy bag, in case I leaked or got leaked/chucked on. I needed it more than once too.” – Bubbalugs#2