What is making news in the parenting world this week?
Why is The Project host Carrie Bickmore hugging strangers? How can you nominate an organisation for a Child Protection Week award? And what do you need to do to donate a kiss and help fund research into MS?
Keep reading to find out more …
Bickmore breaks world record for charity
When Carrie Bickmore woke up this morning – she didn’t expect to become a world record holder in a few short hours.
The TV personality was on board to host the Huggies® Hugs for Healing initiative for Children’s Hospitals – but she ended up being the chief hugger as well – breaking the Guinness World Record for most hugs given in one minute.
After three attempts – each one perfecting the hugging technique – the original chief hugger Children’s Hospitals national director Fiona Sutton handed the job over to Carrie. Carrie hugged 77 people in 60 seconds, to break the previous record of 75 set in London in 2013.
She said it was a privilege to be part of the initiative, which will fund vital pieces of high-priority medical equipment specifically targeted at sick babies and toddlers.
“Any mum will tell you that a hug is a very powerful thing,” she said. “I’m very proud to be supporting the Huggies® Hugs for Healing initiative”.
Carrie was joined by mums, medical staff, patients of the Sydney Children’s Hospital and our own Bub Hub representative Jay Johnston.
After the Hug-a-Thon, she chatted to Jay about her experiences as a parent.
“I was one of the first of my friends to have a baby,” she said. “And I didn’t get too much advice which I think was probably a good thing. I should realise that when I’m dishing out advice to all these mothers who are about to have babies – I should just be quiet and let them learn for themselves.
“(Parenthood) is a different experience for everyone and I think sometimes you can be overwhelmed by too much advice.”
But there is one piece of advice that Carrie wishes she had listened to and she had this to say to new mums …
“Accept help! I was always very hesitant to say ‘yes’ and I didn’t want people to go out of their way for me,” she said. “I now wish I had just gone “yep, make me food”, “yep, come over and hold my baby”, “yep, do my washing.”
You can still be part of the Huggies® Hugs for Healing initiative.Huggies will match consumer donations to ‘Children’s Hospitals’ up to $100,000 so even if you can only donate $5 your money could buy 250ml of bubbles for Play Therapists to use to distract babies and young children waiting in Emergency.
To show your support visit www.huggies.com.au/hugsforhealing
Nominate now for Child Protection Week award
Do you know an individual or group who works to prevent child abuse and neglect in Australia? Nominate them for a Play Your Part Award and help them get recognised for their inspiring work in keeping children and young people safe and well.
The Play Your Part Awards – run by the National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) – are a significant part of National Child Protection Week in September, helping promote community awareness and highlighting programs that are working to better the lives of Australian children.
NAPCAN has called on Australians to identify and nominate where they see good work done. Visit www.napcan.org.au/ncpw/play-your-part-awards/
Donate a kiss to help end MS
Aussie are being urged to donate a kiss to help raise vital funds for research into MS.
MS Research Australia CEO Dr Matthew Miles said people could download the Kiss Goodbye to MS app if they wanted to participate.
“All they need to do is download the app and donate a kiss for either $10, $20 or $50,” he said.
“Our goal is to get 1000 kisses donated across Australia during the month of May.”
MS is the most common neurological disease in young Australians, affecting more than 23,000 people around the country.
In addition to donating a kiss via the app, people can get involved by getting sponsored to Wear, Dare and Share throughout May. Register for a fundraising activity or find out more about the Kiss Goodbye to MS campaign by visiting www.kissgoodbyetoms.org.