Two snazzy snowmen cupcakes by Annabel KarmelGet Santa’s little helpers together to make these cute Christmas cupcakes.

They are so simple yet effective and look great on the Christmas table!

Kids can have fun decorating them with marshmallows, strawberry laces and sugar baubles.

Perhaps run a bake-off style competition to see which little one makes and bakes the best snowman?

Get their creative juices flowing too and ask them to name their snowman. You’ll be surprised at what names they come up with!

When it comes to presenting the festive treats, you can line boxes or tins with shredded cellophane or some tissue paper and nestle your decorated cakes inside.

This recipe makes 8-10 Snazzy Snowmen Christmas cupcakes …

Snazzy Snowmen Christmas Cupcakes


  • 100g/4 oz softened butter or soft margarine
  • 100g/4 oz golden caster sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 100g/4 oz self-raising flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • Icing sugar for dusting
  • 150g ready to roll white icing
  • 3 tbsp apricot jam
  • Marshmallows
  • Red fizzy lollies for the scarves
  • Tubes of coloured Writing Icing (available in supermarkets)
  • Sugar baubles (for cake decoration) or silver baubles


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180C/. Fan oven 160C / 300 F.
  2. Place the softened butter or margarine, sugar, eggs, flour, baking powder and vanilla essence into the bowl of an electric mixer and beat for a few minutes until the mixture is light in colour and fluffy.
  3. Line a bun tin with 8 paper cases and divide the mixture between them, filling the cases about two thirds full.
  4. Bake for about 20 minutes until the fairy cakes are risen and lightly golden.
  5. Lift the cakes (still in their paper cases) out of the tins and leave them to cool on a wire rack.
  6. Dust a clean working surface with icing sugar and roll out the icing to about 5mm/1/4”. Cut out 8 circles using a small pastry cutter that is the same size as the top of your cakes.
  7. Put the apricot jam into a small dish and stir in 1 tablespoon of hot water, then brush this over the surface of the cakes and stick the circles of icing on top.
  8. To decorate the cakes use marshmallows for the snowmen’s heads, black writing icing for the eyes, red writing icing for the smiles and sugar baubles for noses (stick them on with a blob of Writing Icing). Stick the heads on the cakes using a little apricot jam, then stick on the sugar bauble buttons. Wrap red fizzy lollies around the snowmen’s necks for scarves.

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