One sure sign you are beginning to suffer from baby brain is when you notice yourself beginning to speak gibberish – this also includes wixing of mords, I mean mixing of words, and just generally speaking complete nonsense. ‘Gibberish’ and I are seemingly now well acquainted…
Needless to say, my husband is becoming fluent in the mysterious language of baby brain and his translation skills are occasionally called upon by friends and family when I’m in attendance.
Just the other day he had mentioned he had a meeting coming up at the digital company, MI9. Later that evening, I said “So honey, what day is your meeting at MI5?” My husband quickly responded, “I could tell you my darling, but I’d have to kill you afterwards”, playing along with my mix-up of MI9 with MI5, the British Secret Service!
But I’m relieved to discover I am definitely not the only mum to suffer from the odd bout of “baby-brainitis” when it comes to speaking – a once simple task that now resembles me trying to win the game ‘Taboo’ and failing miserably. Below are just a few of the humdingers shared by our mums from the Baby Brain Humour Facebook Community.
Tracy is an active member of the BBH community and revealed a recent episode unfortunately witnessed by her 17 year old son. They were driving along the motorway when they saw a large plane up ahead and Tracy exclaimed ‘check out that big bus!!!’ Her son looked at her and said, “You’re losing it Mum”. Tracy’s ending comment “I think he’s right”.
After seeing this post another Mum, Sheree, chimed in with “It just reminded me of the time we were all travelling in the car, and I said “Oh my god, look at that giant pig!” and husband Troy replied “That’s a cow!!” I pretend that never happened!”
Another BBH member, Tamera, got her bird types a tad confused when out for a harbour-side walk with her husband. They came across a flock of birds…
Tamera: Wow, check out all the Penguins!
Husband: Sweetie, they are called Pelicans.
Tamera: Doh!
Funny thing is, she actually lives on a road called ‘Pelican Street’!! , Tamera tells me her husband can’t help himself from reminding Tamera of the incident every time they see their street sign.
Daisy’s baby brain incident is close to my heart as I am the World’s worst (or so I thought) culprit for mixing up everyday sayings. She told of a conversation with her husband whereby she had confidently stated “…and right now I’m juggling off more than I can chew”. Bless. And lastly, from yours truly, I recently blurted out to my husband as we discussed if we needed more pyjamas with feet… “We probably won’t as it’s getting warmer and he’ll be wearing short leg bananas”. Hmmm, I know what I meant to say.
So until next week, and remember if someone asks you to play Taboo you should say yes as you’ve been practising for this very moment!