Schooling and education in Australia

It might seem like a long time before you have to enrol your little one in school, but it pays to be prepared. How old do they have to be before starting BIG school? What is their first prep year called? What are the cut-off dates? Leaving it to the last minute can cause unnecessary […]

How age and lifestyle affects your fertility

How does age your age and your lifestyle affect your ability to have children? And what factors do you have to take into consideration when trying to conceive? Here are 5 important factors that affect your fertility – and that of your partner. These are the things that you should begin thinking about before you […]

Gift ideas for kids of all ages

Does your niece or nephew have a birthday fast approaching? Or are you unsure of what present to buy your child for Christmas or their birthday? Whatever the reason or occasion, choosing interesting gifts for kids can be somewhat of a challenge, though it doesn’t have to be when you consider a few important factors. […]

Baby number 2 at age 42

It was never in my life plan to have a baby at 42. It wasn’t until my son was around 6 years old and I was having morning coffee with fellow school mums with their toddlers that I began to think, ‘should we have another?’ …

40 is the new 30. Unless you want to have children.

Everyone’s heard of someone getting pregnant at 40 or older but, overall, the evidence is clear. Increasing age, particularly for a woman, decreases the chances of conceiving and having a healthy child.