The social stigma of public breastfeeding

The thing about having children is, your whole reality changes as the world keeps spinning under your feet. You still have errands to run, shopping to do, places to be and things to do. If you choose to breastfeed, you have to learn to adapt to doing it when your child demands, however you can […]

Reasons for needing a breast pump and advantages of expressing

The benefits of breastfeeding are well documented. But things do not always go as planned. There are many instances where a mother who intends to breastfeed her baby may not be able to do so directly. However this does not mean that she cannot provide her baby with the benefits of breastmilk. This is where […]

Is feeding your baby taking too long?

It can feel reassuring to have specific instructions about when to feed your baby, especially when everything about caring for a baby is new and uncertain to you. However, when you are expected to time how many minutes you feed, watch the hours between feeds or count how many feeds your baby has in a […]

‘I breastfeed my baby with formula’

“Everything went downhill in our breastfeeding journey when my son was about 11 weeks. We both got sick, my supply dropped and that was it … cue 10 weeks of pure stress while I attempted everything I could to try to get my son to consistently gain weight. I was feeding constantly, expressing when I […]

How to bottlefeed – bottlefeeding basics

This is our basic bottlefeeding 101, designed to give you a quick overview of the equipment you will need to get and the different methods of sterilising. Your child health nurse will be able to assist you with feeding routines and the amount of formula to give your baby – information particular to your baby’s […]

How feeding development affects speech development

It is very common to find that a child who is experiencing speech development difficulties also had feeding difficulties as a little one. The muscles we use for sucking, chewing and preparing food have a taxing second job as muscles for speech. When babies are breastfeeding or bottlefeeding they are using their lips, tongue, jaw, […]

Allergies in babies and children – updated infant feeding advice

Allergic diseases are becoming more and more common among children. In fact, in the past 25 years, allergic diseases have more than doubled in Western countries. And according to the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), the peak body for allergy and critical immunology in Australia, 2 in 5 children in Australia and […]