Top 10 best books for babies from birth to 18 months

Reading to babies plays a crucial part in developing their language and literacy skills. But with so many books on the market, finding something that will be a hit with your baby can prove a bewildering and frustrating experience. The books in this list are in no particular order.   Baby Touch First Cot Book […]

The ultimate guide to buying baby clothes – sizes, tips, and must-haves

How do you buy clothes for someone you haven’t met yet? How do you shop when you don’t know what size your baby will be? And how do you buy practical clothing when you’ve never had a baby before? We hope our ultimate guide to buying baby clothes – with tips on baby clothes sizes, […]

Schooling and education in Australia

It might seem like a long time before you have to enrol your little one in school, but it pays to be prepared. How old do they have to be before starting BIG school? What is their first prep year called? What are the cut-off dates? Leaving it to the last minute can cause unnecessary […]

New baby paperwork checklist

When you leave hospital you’ve got a newborn baby in one hand and a pile of brochures and paperwork in the other. When you should just be basking in the glory of your new little baby, the outside world calls and brings you out of the newborn daze. As if caring for your little one […]

The ultimate guide to nappies – your nappy choices explained

You just can’t do without nappies. Unless you’re planning on trying elimination communication you will have to buy nappies for your baby for a good couple of years at least. So what nappies are available and how do you choose the best nappy for your family? There are plenty of different styles and makes of […]

The ultimate guide to baby and child car seats

 In Australia, by law, all children up to the age of seven years should be seated in a suitable infant or child car restraint when travelling in a car. But child safety is more than just following the law – there are many factors to consider when deciding what restraint to buy for your child […]

How to settle a crying baby

Crying is a young baby’s way of communicating with you. A baby usually cries for a reason – to let you know there is something they need you to do for them, such as feeding them or changing their nappy. After a while you will probably learn to recognise your baby’s signs and work out […]

How to meet other parents

When you have a new baby, you can feel isolated, left at home all day on your own with a baby.  You are not the only one!  There are many other new parents in your local area, most of them feeling exactly the same as you. Meeting other parents with children of a similar age […]

How to get baby to sleep

There are a number of ideas and suggestions below for getting your baby to sleep and helping them to stay asleep. What works for one family may not work for another family and you may even need different routines for different babies within the same family. A baby’s personality and temperament can have a big […]

How to bottlefeed – bottlefeeding basics

This is our basic bottlefeeding 101, designed to give you a quick overview of the equipment you will need to get and the different methods of sterilising. Your child health nurse will be able to assist you with feeding routines and the amount of formula to give your baby – information particular to your baby’s […]