Postnatal depression – what we all need to know

There are approximately 100,000 Aussie parents currently struggling with perinatal depression and anxiety – and it is often close friends and family who will be first to notice. It is important that we all are aware of the signs and symptoms of postnatal depression so that we might be able to identify it in ourselves […]

Postnatal depression and anxiety—treatment and recovery

Being pregnant or becoming a new parent can be both exciting and challenging. Having a degree of trouble adjusting to the changes that come with impending parenthood or the arrival of a new baby is natural. It’s when general ups and downs develop into something more serious that it’s time to take steps. If a […]

Perinatal depression and anxiety in men – when and how to seek help

Most people are surprised to know that around 1 in 20 men experience anxiety or depression during their partner’s pregnancy [1] and up to 1 in 10 new dads struggle with anxiety or depression following the birth of their baby [2]. Men from all walks of life and all cultures, even those who generally feel […]

Mindfulness meditation and how it can help new parents

Becoming a parent is a time of immense change when you’re likely to face difficult emotions of stress, anxiety and mood changes. Everyone can feel overwhelmed in the early stages of parenting and wonder how they can stay calm and connect to their partner and baby. Research shows that mindfulness, which is a broad term […]

9 ways to help combat pregnancy anxiety

With all the changes happening to your body and to your life when you fall pregnant, it is natural to feel some anxiety about it all. However, there does come a point when the anxiety becomes more than just a ‘little worried’. Antenatal anxiety is just as common as antenatal depression, which affects 1 in […]