8 school holiday activities to suit every child

Can you hear it now? Over and over like a broken record – “I’m bored, I’m bored, I’m bored … I’m BORED!” Must be the school holidays! Some parents dread school holidays. You will wonder how your child could possibly be ‘bored’ when surrounded by gaming consoles, television, apps, toys (indoor and outdoor) and maybe […]

My top 5 TV-free activities …

We moved house recently. And though moving is always an upheaval, this move irrevocably changed the dynamic and landscape of our household, because (completely unintentionally), we moved to a house that didn’t have TV reception. As such a simple thing, it’s not something we thought to check for in a city rental. It was nonetheless […]

Is your baby funny? 9 steps to a sense of humour

The first smile and the gurgles of laughter that baby shares with us are truly magic moments in the early days of parenthood. But when does a baby’s smile and laughter become a true sense of humour? According to Dr Paul Hutchins, from the Child Development Unit at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, a baby’s […]

8 great games for healthy eating

As mother to a fussy toddler and baby, I am forever coming up with creative strategies to get my boys to eat healthily. Recently, we’ve had a lot of fun reinventing some favourite children’s games to encourage healthy snacking. 1. Healthy eating board game Players roll dice and move along the spaces, eating the various […]

6 games to play with a child aged 2 – 3 years

Play is very important work for a two to three-year-old! And they’re so enthusiastic at this age. It is important to provide plenty of time for unstructured play – particularly outdoors – and to give them the space to learn how to play independently. But it is also good to provide them with some guided […]

6 games for your child aged 4 – 5 years

What an amazing imagination children have at this age! They love to make up games and act out all sorts of weird and wonderful scenarios. For the most part, it is best to let them explore and create without adult interference but there are some ways you can kickstart your child’s imagination. Here is a […]