Parents! You can’t be happy all the time and that’s OK!

You must feel sad. Human emotion is not capable of being monochromatic; one must accept the full spectrum of brain chemical combos. You cannot feel happy without allowing yourself to feel sadness as well. Something I found terrifying about motherhood was the unexpected anxiety and despair. Everyone promised the oxytocin highs, the love, the desire […]
Say ‘no’ to your children – and they’ll benefit in the long term

I was standing in a department store checkout queue recently, when my 7-year-old daughter started hounding me to buy whatever it was they put in the checkout queue to seduce kids into pester power territory. “No” I say, simply. She asks for the next “thing”. “No” I repeat. “We’re not buying anything from these stands […]
Mindfulness meditation and how it can help new parents

Becoming a parent is a time of immense change when you’re likely to face difficult emotions of stress, anxiety and mood changes. Everyone can feel overwhelmed in the early stages of parenting and wonder how they can stay calm and connect to their partner and baby. Research shows that mindfulness, which is a broad term […]
5 ways to be a happy couple after baby
Relationships often hit tough times after the birth of a baby. Here are five things you can do to help your relationship post-baby …