Flying with kids or babies — a parent’s guide

Preparing for a flight is stressful at the best of times. But when you’ve got small children or babies it becomes all that much harder. Flying with babies or young children is not easy and it is important to be prepared. If you’re prepared then the flight will be less stressful for you – and […]

10 games to play in the car on a family road trip

Remember your own childhood family road trips? Instead of watching DVDs you watched the road go by. Instead of playing with an iPad you played games with your family – games like I Spy and Car Cricket! You listened to your dad’s music and every time you saw a Volkswagon Beetle you hit your brother […]

Family beach trip packing checklist

Remember when you used to head to the beach … pre-kids? You took a towel, your bathers, a hat, your sunnies and some coins for an ice-cream (all of which you’d hide in your shoes when you went for a swim). Unfortunately, post-kids, a trip to the beach is a good deal less casual. If […]