When can I start giving chores to my children?

Although it starts off with Mum and Dad doing everything for the baby, when the baby has grown into a toddler and then a young child, jobs can be redistributed. Numerous parents have asked me what age a child should be before they can do anything like a little job around home. Children should be […]
What NOT to do if your child accidentally loses a tooth
It is important that parents are aware of what to do if a child loses or chips a tooth in an accident as there are a few common mistakes people make in those crucial moments after a tooth is lost due to injury. With the arrival of warmer weather, kids are heading outside to parks, […]
What is juvenile arthritis? Symptoms, causes and treatment
We often associate arthritis with older people. But for every 1000 children in Australia there are 1-4 who have Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). JIA is painful and quite traumatic for a young child. Children with JIA cannot run around with their friends, play in the park or be involved in school sports. It is a […]
‘Screenagers!’ How to get your teen to disconnect online and reconnect to life

“No Facebook now, finish your homework … ! ” I realise how stupid this comment is, before I even finish the sentence. “But mum, I am getting some help with geometry from Ethan on Facebook messenger.” The reality is that our teens are constantly hooked up to an electronic universe often via multiple devices. Texting, […]
4 things to do NOW to prepare for the teen years
Most parents approach the teenage years with a little bit of dread. The fear of the unknown can be our worst enemy, and fill our mind with questions that are impossible to answer when our children are under 10. Will she be as rude to me as I was to my mum? Will he try […]
The ultimate guide to baby and child car seats

In Australia, by law, all children up to the age of seven years should be seated in a suitable infant or child car restraint when travelling in a car. But child safety is more than just following the law – there are many factors to consider when deciding what restraint to buy for your child […]
How to recognise a mental health issue in your child

Children can develop many of the same mental health difficulties as adults, but sometimes they can manifest in different ways, making them harder to recognise. If parents are unsure, there is no harm in having a conversation with their GP or school counsellor about any emotional, social or behavioural difficulties they think their child may […]
How to be consistent – the key to effective parenting

Being consistent is the single most effective way of parenting. And you have to be consistently consistent in order for it to work. If you fail to be consistent just once you will have ruined some of your hard work. But don’t give up, because eventually it gets easier. Here are some helpful tips for […]
Games to play with your child – aged 2-5 years

By this age, children are getting quite skilled at entertaining themselves and making up their own games and activities. But there are still opportunities for parents to direct play – especially when it is raining outside or kids claim they are bored. It isn’t always easy to know what games you should play with your […]
6 games to play with a child aged 3-4 years

By this age, children are getting quite skilled at entertaining themselves and making up their own games and activities. But there are still opportunities for parents to direct play – especially when it is raining outside or kids claim they are bored. It isn’t always easy to know what games you should play with your […]