Your antenatal care and childbirth options explained

You’ve just found out you’re pregnant! Now what? Public or private? Obstetrician or GP? Birthing centre or home birth? Not to worry – we’ve put together this article as a summary of the main types of antenatal and childbirth care available in Australia. Although not all regions and states will have all options available. There […]

What to pack for labour and hospital – a checklist

Are you unsure about what to pack in your hospital bag? Do you need to pack nappies? What clothes will the baby need? Will you want anything specific for when you’re in labour? Firstly, check with your hospital. Some may provide things like nappies and wipes, but many don’t. They may have a birth ball […]

19 tips to help you prepare for a c-section

If you are scheduled to have a caesarean section, it can be scary if you don’t know what you’re in for. The best way to curb that fear and stay on top of your nerves is to know what to expect. From preparation, to how to handle yourself after you’re out of surgery — it really […]

The stages of labour explained

Labour and childbirth can be a daunting notion to think about. The best thing to do is to read up on exactly what happens and what to expect. You should also ask your health care provider as many questions as you can. Labour is a series of events that brings about the dilation of the […]

The benefits of skin-to-skin contact after birth

That first cuddle with your new baby is a magical time, but did you know it’s also an important time for your health and the health of your newborn? There’s plenty of research to support the benefits of skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth and beyond. It is said to impact positively on parent-baby bonding, breastfeeding […]

Premature labour signs and treatment

A pregnancy is considered full-term anywhere from 37 – 42 weeks. But what happens if you think you are going into labour well before 37 weeks? How do you know for sure – what are the signs you should be looking out for? Labour before 37 weeks is called premature labour or pre-term labour and […]

How to get baby in the best position for labour

As you hit the last trimester of pregnancy, you’ll probably start to wonder what you can do to make your labour shorter and easier. Well, did you know the way you sit, work, and even the way you travel, all have an important part to play in your labour? What is the best position for […]

Homebirth in Australia

The idea of a home birth often conjures up fear in the minds of many women in Australia who tend to associate it with being “risky” and with not being able to have pain relief. However, increasing numbers of women are choosing home birth when they find out how much more in control women feel […]

Birth plans – writing a birth plan and printable template

Make your birth plan flexible, positive and brief. Share it with your midwife during your prenatal visits, and present a copy to the midwife-on-duty when you’re admitted to hospital. Use our printable birth plan template to get started.