4 tips for parents of fussy eaters

Picky eating. Fussy eating. They are both poorly-defined, catch-all terms that span toddlers who subsist solely on potato chips and bottles of formula, to kids whose only sin is to shirk the green vegetable on their dinner plate. The first rule when you have a picky eater should be: don’t panic! Most of us were […]

Oranges for healthy eating in pregnancy

When you’re bringing a new life into the world, it’s important to make sure you have a healthy, balanced diet for you and your growing baby. We all know that oranges are a great source of vitamin C, but did you know that they are packed full of other nutrients that can help keep you […]

Nutrition and food safety during pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body is working extremely hard to grow a new life within you. With the added workload comes greater nutrition and food safety needs to support your body, and to give your baby the optimum start to life, during this time. Pregnant women need extra vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to help the baby develop. […]

Is the secret to a better school year inside your kids’ lunchbox?

A new school year is just around the corner and parents are already mentally planning what needs to be organised and sorted before their kids – four in my case – begin Term 1. We wonder about who their teacher will be and hope they will have a good year with their class mates on […]

8 great games for healthy eating

As mother to a fussy toddler and baby, I am forever coming up with creative strategies to get my boys to eat healthily. Recently, we’ve had a lot of fun reinventing some favourite children’s games to encourage healthy snacking. 1. Healthy eating board game Players roll dice and move along the spaces, eating the various […]

Childhood obesity – it starts with you

Healthy lifestyle choices are ours to make. We can control what our children eat up to the time they go to school, and there’s always room to improve our own

8 essential nutrients to include in a vegan diet for children

It is definitely possible to raise a healthy and happy family on a vegan diet, but meal planning and careful consideration to these key nutrients should be given in consultation with a health care professional who’s tracking your child’s growth and development.