You’re not the boss of me! Why kids deserve an explanation

This is my very first post for the Bub Hub. And, kind people, I already find myself apologising. The last thing I wanted was to be wearing my cranky pants when I wrote this. I wanted to seduce you with cheeky charm and irreverent musings. Sadly it’s not to be. I’ve tried everything to get […]

Will your relationship survive your kids?

The pressures of parenthood can put an enormous strain on your relationship. Time and money pressures, expectations of continued independence and lifestyle, living at a distance from traditional communal support networks, trying to juggle career, family and partner. These are some of the most pervasive causes of stress in relationships between parents. And to make […]

When will my baby start teething?

Teething can vary quite a bit from baby to baby and still be completely normal. Some babies may sprout their first little toothy peg when they’re just four months old while others are still all-gums on their first birthday. Some babies are even born with teeth already through! All is completely normal. In general though, […]

What happens when you don’t like being a parent?

Parents come in many shapes and sizes. There are those for which being a parent is the most natural thing in the world. Always knowing they would have a family, they live, sleep and breathe parenting; thriving on the milestones, the naughty steps and the healthy lunchboxes. Others land unsure, but once their brood appear […]

12 ways Valentine’s Day is different after children

I’m convinced all children have a 6th sense! A sense which allows them to detect even the slightest level of intimacy brewing between their parents. After much observation (especially recently on Valentine’s Day), I can conclude that if children are within a 10 metre radius of their parents’ displays of affection an internal signal goes […]

Parents! You can’t be happy all the time and that’s OK!

You must feel sad. Human emotion is not capable of being monochromatic; one must accept the full spectrum of brain chemical combos. You cannot feel happy without allowing yourself to feel sadness as well. Something I found terrifying about motherhood was the unexpected anxiety and despair. Everyone promised the oxytocin highs, the love, the desire […]

To my gorgeous yummy-mummy gal pals …

Alone but not really at all… I had a burning desire to write to my local friends with young children the other day. This is what poured from my heart and the responses back have been overwhelmingly positive, with most of them saying they, too, feel lonely and isolated but also inspired by each other. […]

This is my life … just organised (to some degree)

I find it amusing when asked ‘how do you manage everything?’ In between husband, children, house, working from home and squeezing in time for loved ones, people ask where and how do I find enough time for each aspect of my life. It is simple really – you make do with what you have, you […]

This is why it’s important for kids to be bored

These days, kids are used to being entertained every waking moment with the help of a range of modern technology, from in-car DVD players and iPads to video games. Boredom is nothing new but with today’s increasingly digital and fast-paced world, young people lack the capacity to cope with being bored. As a parent, you […]

Things I learned at baby sleep school – Part 2

Once we settled in our new dwellings, I started to make friends with my fellow sleep-deprived mums. One of the great things about such a facility, there was absolutely no judgment from other parents. Just a knowing nod across the hallway and eyes that were met with the greatest empathy. Everyone was in the same […]