You did WHAT with your placenta?

I ate it! Just reading of those words might have your stomach churning, but hold on to your lunch; read on if you can. Rich in hormones, minerals, chemicals, proteins and irons, ‘placentophagy’ – as it is scientifically known – has been linked to many exceptional benefits for the new mother such as: Stabilising mood; […]
What is stillbirth? Causes, risk factors and preventative measures
Stillbirth is rarely talked about. Perhaps that’s why many people are shocked to hear of just how frequently it still occurs. Every day in Australia six babies are stillborn. That is one stillborn baby for every 135 live births. The rate is not declining and the causes are still not well understood. It is a […]
‘My life was hanging in the balance’ – my placenta accreta story

On the 18th of June, my baby Marcella was born early at 36 weeks, and my life was hanging in the balance. Marcella is my 7th child, and the pregnancy with her was a turbulent one at best. At 7 weeks into the pregnancy I was serving breakfast to my then 2-year-old and then I […]