Settling into childcare

While the good news is that most children settle into child care without too much concern, there are some instances where little ones simply can’t cope. For most parents, introducing a little one to formal day care is a daunting and emotional time. In fact, it’s probably fair to say that we embark on this […]

3 ways to help your kids transition to childcare

Whether you’re returning to work or just wanting to find a few hours for yourself each week, starting your little one at childcare marks the beginning of a new and exciting stage for both of you. Like any transition is will come with its challenges, so here are three things you can do to help make the process a little easier.

13 books to read to children who worry

There are many books for children that can help them deal with their worries and anxieties. Here are some of the best books you can read to a child who is anxious.