How smart phone use affects your child’s health and posture

Australians are increasingly experiencing back and neck pain due to prolonged use of mobile devices and computers. Australians send more than 20 billion texts every year and spend more time in front of a screen than they do asleep. Shockingly, the average number of screen‐time hours has crept up to 9 per day and is […]
Routine ruins relationships!

It’s all sunshine and rainbows when you first start dating. You both make a massive EFFORT to ensure you show genuine interest in your new partner, and that you in turn are interesting to them. You spend time ‘getting ready’ when you know you are going to see each other. Shave your legs and underarms, […]
‘Mummy needs her phone, darling’
Ask a mum what items she can’t live without and there’s a strong chance she’ll name two things – her phone, and coffee. There are few things a mum loves more. Well, obviously her kid/s and partners, but when it comes to physical items that little flat device and potent brew can be a mum’s […]
Favourite pregnancy and parenting apps – a hubbers’ guide

A Hubber’s Guide to the best smartphone apps for pregnancy, parenting, entertaining the children and entertaining mum