Your 6 month old – baby development guide
Say goodbye to the days of leaving your baby in the one spot and knowing they will stay there. Your little one will be on the move very soon, if not already, and it is time to think about baby proofing! How is baby going? Don’t stress, there are a few things your baby will […]
Your 7 month old – baby development guide
What a mess! For the first six months you could dress your baby in the cutest outfit and, besides the occasional poo explosion, you could expect them to stay gorgeous all day. These days, there is banana stains on all their clothes (and most of yours!) and every time you pick your baby up you […]
Why is iron so important for babies?

If your baby is ready to start solid food then you probably already know that the current recommendation* is that their diet should include iron-rich first foods. But why is this recommended? Why is iron so important? And why do babies suddenly need more iron when they are about six months old? Why is iron […]
What is baby-led weaning?

If you’re thinking about starting your baby on solid food you might assume that spoon-feeding them pureed foods is always the first step. But there is another way and its proponents say it will help ward off fussy eating, help a baby’s development and save you time in the kitchen! So here’s everything you need […]
When should your baby start eating solid food?
It is always exciting when your baby reaches another milestone. The first smile, the first giggle and the first time they roll over – there’s nothing quite like the feeling of seeing your small child grow and learn. The first time they start eating solid food is also an exciting time but it can also […]
The difference between gagging and choking

When my children started eating solid food there were three things I had to make sure of first. I had to make sure they weren’t wearing good clothes, I had to make sure I wasn’t wearing good clothes and I had to make sure my mother was NOT in the room. You see, my mother […]
Starting solids – what’s the best first food for baby?

When your baby is approaching six months old you’ll probably start to notice the signs they’re ready for solid food. And if they haven’t already pinched a handful of food from your plate, you’ll probably be wondering what food you should serve up for their first meal. It is worth giving it a bit of […]
Starting solids – calcium and your baby

Are you confused about starting solids? Here are some tips and some facts about calcium requirements for babies and young children. Like every parent before you, you want to be sure you’re doing everything to help your baby grow strong and healthy. While breastfeeding or giving your baby formula, the baby’s diet is reasonably simple. […]
Starting solids – adding variety to a baby’s diet

You have successfully started your baby on solid food and now you’re probably wondering what’s next. How do you encourage your baby to eat a variety of food? And should you introduce food from the different food groups in a certain order? It is important to offer baby a variety of food and to introduce […]
Starting solids – introducing variety to a baby’s diet

You have successfully started your baby on solid food and now you’re probably wondering what’s next. How do you encourage your baby to eat a variety of food? And in what order should you introduce food from the different food groups? It is important to offer baby a variety of food and to introduce different […]