What is your toddler’s personality type?
Most toddlers display a confusing array of personality traits in a day – mischievous when they’re throwing toys, boisterous when they’re letting off steam and shy when they’re tired. But overall, you should be able to tell what your child’s predominant personality trait is. What might not be so clear, however, is how to get […]
10 tips for reducing toddler and parental tantrums
We often think of tantrums as an inevitable consequence of having a toddler, but you can reduce the tears and over-the-top reactions with consistent and creative parenting. Even with your best parenting, all kids will have the odd tantrum. They are a natural reaction to a world built for big people, with boundaries in place […]
Kaz Cooke’s tips for helping toddlers understand emotions

Toddlers feel all sorts of emotions, but often don’t have the words or the maturity to explain them – or to deal with them. Parents can encourage children to feel more confident, and to process their feelings, by helping them to identify, name and communicate their emotions. You can help by describing your own: ‘Mummy […]
5 common toddler behaviour issues and how to address them

We’ve all been there: whether it’s biting their friend at playgroup, picking their nose at the park or throwing a humdinger of a tantrum at the shops, there are times when you want to disown your toddler. Before you take that rather drastic step, here’s some advice as to what to do in 5 common […]
How to mindfully manage a tantrum
On a good day, motherhood is an exhilarating spiritual journey. On a bad day it’s an exhausting, frustrating ride where we are tested beyond our limits through sleep deprivation, stress, relationship tension, mastitis and self-doubt. Mindfulness has been a crucial part of my motherhood survival tool kit, helping me to manage the challenges and be […]