Your 21 – 24 month old – toddler development guide

Your almost-2-year-old one is certainly growing up. And probably acting like it too! You might even have a fight on your hands if you try to help them out. Toddlers love to feed themselves dress themselves, clean their own teeth and brush their own hair. When possible, it is a good idea. You’ll be surprised […]
Your 12 – 15 month old – toddler development guide

Your baby is now a toddler – an exciting time for them and an exhausting time for you. Everything will excite a young toddler, who can now explore the world from an upright position. They can get around faster these days which means you’ll need all your energy to make sure you get there first! […]
Your 15 – 18 month old – toddler development guide

Having spent the past few months learning to walk (and maybe even run and climb) your little one is ready to tackle the next big challenge – talking! In fact, your toddler may even be talking already – you just can’t understand them yet. You might start to notice that your child is using the […]
Your 18 – 21 month old – toddler development guide

Not content with walking around the house your little one is probably starting to climb all over it too. All your low furniture will be just another mountain to tackle and once they start climbing the stairs they’ll never want to stop! If you do have a climber make sure you discourage climbing on cabinets, […]
When can I start giving chores to my children?

Although it starts off with Mum and Dad doing everything for the baby, when the baby has grown into a toddler and then a young child, jobs can be redistributed. Numerous parents have asked me what age a child should be before they can do anything like a little job around home. Children should be […]
What to do if your child has a febrile convulsion
Febrile convulsions in young children are traumatic – and more common than you’d think. It is important to understand what is happening, and why you need to be alert, not alarmed. Read through the causes, treatments, symptoms, and course of action you should take if your child were to have a febrile convulsions or seizure. […]
What is your toddler’s personality type?
Most toddlers display a confusing array of personality traits in a day – mischievous when they’re throwing toys, boisterous when they’re letting off steam and shy when they’re tired. But overall, you should be able to tell what your child’s predominant personality trait is. What might not be so clear, however, is how to get […]
What is juvenile arthritis? Symptoms, causes and treatment
We often associate arthritis with older people. But for every 1000 children in Australia there are 1-4 who have Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). JIA is painful and quite traumatic for a young child. Children with JIA cannot run around with their friends, play in the park or be involved in school sports. It is a […]
The ultimate guide to toilet training your toddler

Just when you thought the ‘baby days’ were over and life with your little one was getting easier … along comes toilet training. Toilet training a toddler can be frustrating for parents. It can be messy and it can be exhausting. But there are ways to help make toilet training easier on you and your […]
10 awesome books for kids aged 18 months to 3 years

Reading to children plays a crucial part in developing their language and literacy skills. But with so many books on the market, finding a book your children will love can be a bewildering and frustrating experience. To help parents navigate the aisles of bookshops and libraries, we have compiled this “classic ten” list of books […]