Is TTC overtaking your life?

I was one of those people who wasn’t going to let trying to conceive (TTC) overtake my whole life. LOL!!!!!!!!! I know my fellow fertility-challenged friends out there are laughing with me at that statement. Fact is, it’s easier than you think to let TTC overtake your life. For me it happened in stealth mode, […]
‘I stopped TTC and these 4 unexpected things happened’

Since we started trying to conceive (TTC) this has been the year we’ve technically ‘tried’ the least. Now that there is literally no chance we can get pregnant naturally, the time between IVF cycles is officially ‘time off’ from this crazy ride. The old me would have gotten incredibly stressed by this. We were wasting time. […]
3 steps to speaking the positive language of fertility

There’s a phrase I’ve come across that says, ‘what you think, you become”. Have you ever noticed how much of what you think about happens? Or decide you want something then suddenly see it everywhere (um hello, is the whole world is pregnant right now?!?). I really believe in the mind-body connection–even more so since […]
How age and lifestyle affects your fertility

How does age your age and your lifestyle affect your ability to have children? And what factors do you have to take into consideration when trying to conceive? Here are 5 important factors that affect your fertility – and that of your partner. These are the things that you should begin thinking about before you […]
How can you avoid ‘infertility overwhelm’?
If you asked me what my most frequent feeling has been while trying to conceive (TTC) I would say OVERWHELMED! Here are 4 ways to stop that overwhelmed feeling when you’re TTC …