Your 1-month-old – baby development guide
The first weeks with a new baby can be tough. You spend all your waking hours (and a lot of non-waking hours) attending to the needs of your newborn and you don’t get much back. Don’t worry – it will be all worth it when you see that first smile this month sometime! Your heart […]
It takes a village to raise a mother

I’m sure you have heard the African proverb, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’. I believe there was a second phrase they forgot to add: ‘It also takes a village to raise a mama.’ While ‘mother’ is the oldest role in the history of mankind, it doesn’t mean it’s easy. Nor does it […]
8 ways you can help a new parent

Want to be a good visitor when you drop in to welcome a new baby? Here are 8 ways you can help out new parents …