Let’s face it … this is the week you’ve been waiting for.

It is the final week in The Ultimate Zumba Challenge and we all know what that means … it’s time for the big reveal … time to check out all the before-and-after shots.

And you won’t be disappointed.

The challengers have posted their final weights and measurements in the Ultimate Zumba Challenge diaries and most have uploaded some images as well! I’ve been checking them all out so I could write this post and I’m still in awe of how far they’ve come in just eight weeks.

They’ve all done an incredible job and while it is important to note all the amazing losses (one challenger lost more than 14kg and 26cm from her waist) it is just as uplifting to read about all the things they’ve gained in the past eight weeks!

Here are some words from our challengers about what they’ve gained! Oh – and we’ve also included some of those amazing before-and-after photos I mentioned …


Luna Lovegood: “We’ve starting swimming every day as a family. This time we’re spending together has really bought us closer as a family. Even DD and DH are closer now that we’re all together having swims or playing soccer together instead of sitting at home watching telly.”


Purple Sparkles: “Now that I am a busy mum I have really appreciated having the DVDs at home so that I can squeeze in a Zumba workout while my son naps or in the evening. I love that there are a variety of workouts in the set, from beginners through to more advanced and of various lengths and “flavours” so there is always a workout to suit your time, level and mood.”


Goblin Queen:” I’m proud to say that I am so much happier, more confident and secure in myself than I was before I got some Zumba into my life. Exercising daily obviously gives me the endorphin boost I need to stay sane but it’s also fantastic on days when I do come up against obstacles, I take out my frustrations in my workout and I don’t eat through them or lash out inappropriately at friends and family anymore.”


giggle berry: “There is a spring in my step that hasn’t been there in a while!”


SpecialPatrolGroup: “I generally feel more positive, a bit less cranky and more able to let things just wash over me and not get too caught up in little stresses.”





Anewme: “When I entered I had no idea how much it would change our lives for the better. I just wanted to get fitter after a pregnancy on bed rest and a few months of sitting on my bum all day feeding a little man and I wanted to teach my kids that you are never too old or young to change your life.”


Hagrid: “I have managed this past month to have my first regular ovulation and menstrual cycle in over three years – couldn’t be happier about this and fingers crossed it continues so that when we decide to TTC it won’t be a struggle.


Nomsie: A big congratulations to Nomsie who has announced that she’s pregnant (hence the lack of before and after photos!) But what else has Nomsie gained …  “I felt like I had a spring in my step, and I know I blogged about going on camp and walking up and down steep dirt hills all day long without hardly breaking a sweat. I could NOT have done that before Zumba.”


Angenrod: “I’m feeling more positive today than I was six weeks ago. I am on anti-depressants and keeping active with Zumba has made me feel incredible.”



Emzluvbub: “My entire disposition has changed. I am smiling! I was diagnosed with PND 6 months ago and have been struggling with my mental health ever since. Zumba has worked alongside my anti-depressants to lift my mood and has most definitely contributed to my ever improving happiness.”




You can read more from all of the Zumba challengers in the Zumba Challenge diaries

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