Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar - 15 weeksYou’re now 15 weeks pregnant – not quite halfway. Bet you’ve already copped a few odd comments and unsolicited bits of advice. If you find yourself getting annoyed at this you’re not alone.

15 weeks pregnant – development guide

Your body

Around this time it can all seem a little overwhelming (there’s that emotional rollercoaster again!). Brought on mainly by everyone around you knowing of your pregnancy, you are flooded with kind words (or dumb comments) from well-wishers (or random strangers) and you need to remember to take it all at your own pace.

As your bump develops, you may find the need for a shopping spree for more maternity clothing is high on the list of to-dos (at the very least for a ‘new’ favourite pair of jeans since you don’t fit into your old ones).

Weekly development of a human fetus - week 15You will have noticed a heightened sense of smell, too, while you’re expecting, especially noticing smells and scents that previously didn’t offend you. You may experience nose bleeds throughout your pregnancy, due to the lining of the nasal passage relaxing and this coupled with the increase in blood circulation and rise in your body temperature means you are more likely to have a nose bleed.

Your baby

Sized approximately 9-11.5cm (head to rump), your baby is growing at a rate of knots. Your baby’s skeleton is strengthening, with cartilage being replaced by bone that will remain flexible for the journey through the birth canal.

weekly development of a human fetus - week 15Facial muscles are active and your baby will be making a number of funny faces – squinting, frowning, even smiling. The hair forming your baby’s eyebrows grows, as does the head hair. Your baby’s ears are also moving closer into their final position (prior to this they were set quite low on the head).

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3 things to do when you’re 15 weeks pregnant

Learn to deal with unwanted comments

When you’re pregnant people feel the need to offer advice and make comments – often unsolicited and occasionally really dumb. It can be annoying, so now is a good time to come up with some strategies for coping with it. Check out our article on tips for dealing with unwanted comments when pregnant. Best do it now, it gets worse and more annoying once the baby is born!

Pamper yourself

Why not treat yourself to some yummy skin care products and a bit of pampering? It is important to look after yourself and you won’t get much time to once baby arrive.

Plan a babymoon

Speaking of not having much time after your baby is born, have you considered going on a babymoon? These short relaxing holidays are best taken during the 2nd trimester, when you’re feeling your best.  Here are 5 reasons to go on a babymoon.

NEXT: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 16 weeks
BACK: Pregnancy Week by Week Calendar: 14 weeks

This content is meant as a guide only. If you find anything worrying or unsettling, or experience any bleeding or spotting, contact your local GP, obstetrician or an emergency healthcare provider immediately.

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