Tips for bonding while bottle feeding

With all the research and information surrounding the benefits of breastfeeding, mothers who choose to bottle feed their baby can feel a little left out. And for those who would have preferred to breastfeed but for whatever reason weren’t able to, being constantly reminded of the “superior” aspects of breastfeeding can be difficult to cope […]
Is feeding your baby taking too long?

It can feel reassuring to have specific instructions about when to feed your baby, especially when everything about caring for a baby is new and uncertain to you. However, when you are expected to time how many minutes you feed, watch the hours between feeds or count how many feeds your baby has in a […]
‘I breastfeed my baby with formula’

“Everything went downhill in our breastfeeding journey when my son was about 11 weeks. We both got sick, my supply dropped and that was it … cue 10 weeks of pure stress while I attempted everything I could to try to get my son to consistently gain weight. I was feeding constantly, expressing when I […]
How to bottlefeed – bottlefeeding basics

This is our basic bottlefeeding 101, designed to give you a quick overview of the equipment you will need to get and the different methods of sterilising. Your child health nurse will be able to assist you with feeding routines and the amount of formula to give your baby – information particular to your baby’s […]
How to choose the best baby bottle
All the baby bottle options so you can choose the best baby bottle.
Can giving a night-time bottle of formula affect breast milk supply?

Some parents may have heard of a suggested night-time routine of giving a breastfed baby a bottle of formula before the night-time sleep. But can this affect your supply? Midwife Kate Griffin has this advice …
Breast to bottle: making the switch easier

I started back at work when my first born was just five weeks old. It was only for four hours but it was just long enough to miss a feed.