Who is the ‘Sugar Bandit’ in your family?
Do you have a Sugar Bandit in your family? Is there someone who, despite all your efforts to give your kids a healthy diet, slips them junk food when you’re not looking? Or sometimes even when you are? Do your kids have a well-meaning nanna who loves to spoil them with ice-creams, a great-grandfather who […]
What NOT to do if your child accidentally loses a tooth
It is important that parents are aware of what to do if a child loses or chips a tooth in an accident as there are a few common mistakes people make in those crucial moments after a tooth is lost due to injury. With the arrival of warmer weather, kids are heading outside to parks, […]
What is juvenile arthritis? Symptoms, causes and treatment
We often associate arthritis with older people. But for every 1000 children in Australia there are 1-4 who have Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). JIA is painful and quite traumatic for a young child. Children with JIA cannot run around with their friends, play in the park or be involved in school sports. It is a […]
7 important reasons a child needs outside play
I think we all instinctively want contact with nature — a room with a view, a picnic under a tree or to feel our bare feet in the sand. Yet today’s lifestyle sees us living removed from nature, shut inside our cars, our homes or in big shopping centres. In these indoor spaces our senses […]
Tips to help your children eat breakfast every day
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, to use the age-old adage, and most parents know this. However, trying to get your children to eat breakfast when school goes back can be somewhat difficult, to say the least. If they’re not complaining that it’s too early to eat, or they aren’t hungry then […]
Say ‘no’ to your children – and they’ll benefit in the long term

I was standing in a department store checkout queue recently, when my 7-year-old daughter started hounding me to buy whatever it was they put in the checkout queue to seduce kids into pester power territory. “No” I say, simply. She asks for the next “thing”. “No” I repeat. “We’re not buying anything from these stands […]
The importance of sports for childhood development

Did you know that children and young people should be getting at least one hour of moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity every day? Sports has many benefits to a child’s development. By playing sports, your child will not only become stronger physically, but mentally too. They will develop physical skills, make new friends, have fun, exercise, learn to be a […]
Talking to children about sex – an age-appropriate guide

Sex education is one of those things we know we need to do but we aren’t quite sure what we are supposed to talk about. What exactly are we supposed to talk about and when? Here is a quick guide to help you talk to your young children about sex Babies & toddlers (Birth to […]
Tales of the One in Ten – Alice & The Giant Emptiness

Not all children are given an equal start in life. Some can barely even access the basics to live. Right now, 1 in 10 Australian children live in jobless homes (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013). School kids are having to get by without a school bag, without full uniforms, or all school books they need. […]
Summer drowning risks … empty your esky!

When you think of a potential drowning risk, do you think of an ice chest for drinks … like an esky? While an esky or the like, may not sound like a typical drowning threat, any body of water can pose as a hazard to those who cannot swim, or are simply too young to […]