7 reasons to join the Bub Hub forum community
Parenting, it’s not easy. It is certainly no walk in the park! Even when it literally IS a walk in the park, it’s not easy. You have to work up the energy to get out of your pyjamas, pack the nappy bag and the pram into the car, time it between sleeps and feeds, make […]
Win a family pass to a private pre-launch party at Sky Zone – Brisbane’s newest Trampoline Park

The Bub Hub is super-excited to be hosting an exclusive, private pre-opening party at Brisbane’s hottest new Trampoline Park – Sky Zone. Sky Zone Macgregor will open their doors to the general public on Friday 18 July, but 100 Bubhubbers will have the chance for an exclusive sneak peak the day before at a private […]
Q&A: Sam Moran chats about mums, being a dad and hanging with Jimmy Giggle

Admit it … you have a bit of a crush on children’s entertainer Sam Moran! And why wouldn’t you … he has a nice smile, he’s great with kids and – if you keep reading – you’ll see that he has an awesome sense of humour too! What more would you want!? Here we chat […]
New child car restraint guidelines

For those mums with kids still needing car seats – keep reading! New child restraint guidelines have been published by Neuroscience Research Australia and Kidsafe. There is a 120-page fully researched, in-depth report about it if you’ve got a spare moment or two, otherwise see below for the general recommendations in language those of us […]
LEGO DUPLO is our no.1 toy for creative, imaginative play. Here’s why …

There’s a lot of good TV on at the moment but if I’m craving some real drama – with a touch of comedy – I can always just watch the kids play. As they have grown older their games have become more imaginative, more involved and in many cases more hilarious (for me, not them […]
Jack is back! Top 100 baby names in Australia in 2012

After a few years in the wilderness (ie. not in top spot) Jack is once again the number one boys’ name in Australia. Jack held the number one position for five years before William took over in 2010 and 2011 – but you can’t keep a good name down and Jack is once again the […]
Does family drama ruin Christmas for your kids?

If your family is like ours – divided by feuds that go back generations – this can be very distressing, especially if the feuds are not of your making.
Favourite pregnancy and parenting apps – a hubbers’ guide

A Hubber’s Guide to the best smartphone apps for pregnancy, parenting, entertaining the children and entertaining mum
Baby Macro food and Peppa Pig sleepwear Product Safety Recalls

Do you feed your bub Baby Macro baby food? Is your little one sleeping in Peppa Pig sleep suit or pyjamas? For you bub’s safety – keep reading!
Are you an expert at watching Peppa Pig? Take our quiz!

Take the “Peppa Pig Quiz for Parents who Watch Too Much Peppa Pig”! Of course, if you’re busier than Miss Rabbit today, then why not bookmark this page and come back later … once the little piggies have gone to bed!