Your antenatal care and childbirth options explained

You’ve just found out you’re pregnant! Now what? Public or private? Obstetrician or GP? Birthing centre or home birth? Not to worry – we’ve put together this article as a summary of the main types of antenatal and childbirth care available in Australia. Although not all regions and states will have all options available. There […]

What is a midwife?

A midwife is a health professional who provides care, education and support to women and families during pregnancy, birth, postnatal and the early parenting period. The midwife may practise in any setting, including the home, the community, hospitals, or in any other maternity service. In all settings, the midwife remains responsible and accountable for the […]

We’re royally influenced: Top 100 baby names in Australia for 2014

Looks like the British Royal family is still a big influence in Australia – at least when it comes to baby names! The list of the Top 100 Baby Names in Australia for 2014 was released by McCrindle this week and, of the 21 members of the current British Royal Family, 17 have names which […]

Unique names are in! Top 100 baby names in Australia in 2013

Aussie parents are choosing less common names for their new babies. The Top 100 Baby Names in Australia has been released  and while popular names such as Charlotte and Oliver have topped the list – there was a drop in the number of babies who were given a top 20 name. According to McCrindle, who […]

Top 100 baby names in Australia – 2016

The annual list of the Top 100 Baby Names in Australia has just been released and Oliver and Charlotte are still ahead of the pack. The two most popular names continue their reign. Charlotte – which rose in prominence after the birth of Prince William and Princess Catherine’s daughter in 2015 – is in its […]

Top 100 baby names in Australia – 2017

Charlotte still reigns as the number one girls’ name in Australia, according to the latest Top 100 Baby Names list released by social researchers McCrindle this week. The number one boys’ name is Oliver. The latest data — released in 2018, but based on the baby names of 2017 — has shown that Oliver and Charlotte […]

Top 100 baby names in Australia in 2015

The annual list of the Top 100 Baby Names in Australia has just been released and it looks like we are royally influenced! Charlotte – the name of Prince William and Princess’s Catherine’s daughter born in May 2015 – is now the number one girls’ name in Australia (with 1737 occurrences) – knocking Olivia from […]

Top 10 tips for visiting London with children

Taking kids on an overseas holiday can involve a significant drain on your resources – time, money and emotions. If you’re heading to the sun and sands of an Asian resort, complete with hair-braiding opportunities, mocktails by the beach and affordable souvenirs, you can be pretty sure they’ll enjoy it. But Europe is a bigger […]

Public transport: tips for bus, train or ferry travel with a baby

For many parents, being stuck at home alone with a child, maybe without access to a car (or anywhere to park it at your destination!), can be a draining time. Getting out and about with your baby to visit friends parks and local attractions can bring a well-deserved break for both of you. Travelling by […]

Things I learned at baby sleep school – Part I

Five months ago I gave birth to the girl I now consider to be my entire universe. Shortly after I came home from the hospital, I went to my local health clinic and joined the parents’ group. At each meeting, we had a round robin where we all shared any challenges, wins or advice. Each […]